Guinea tried to kill duck and others..


8 Years
Mar 24, 2015
I had 4 quinea, one is on a killing spree, it took up with my tom turkey and won't leave its side, killed my only white one I had, then killed a young chick that roamed around fine until I I released the Guinea out to free range. It almost killed one of my ducks but I saved it, but then as I had the other duck inside I came back out and it was trying to attack the other duck which then I locked the ducks up. It runs another Guinea off all the time that roams with the other one, the other one it roams with, it doesn't other. Does it sound like I have a male hanging with tom turkey killing or hen?
Welcome to an early spring, regardless of what the weatherman says. Aggression is a hot topic right now. So you have one guinea left, am I understanding correctly? Top reasons for guinea aggression:
Mating season
Imbalance of male:female ratio
Being raised w/other poultry.
Imprinting on humans.
Instead of me guessing, listen to it. If it's making a two syllable repetative buckwheat, comeback or some variation of, it's a female. Otherwise, it's a male.

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