Guineas GONE broody


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 12, 2008
2 of my hens have gone broody in the near by woods . How long will the birds stay gone with out returning for water or food ?? The reason I ask , At first they came back at least once a day . Its been 4 days since Ive seen them . My wife and my 2 sons and my self have search and search and have found nothing . How long is to long ???
The rooster will stay near her during the day to protect the hen. But at night he will return to the coop, leaving her vulnerable. She wont leave the nest for predators, which is usually how she ends up gone.

I dont know how long is too long. Watch for the rooster during the day, he wont be too far from her
The rooster's are not standing guard any longer . They are doing their on thing now. Ive looked for evidence of things gone bad but there is none. Thats what gets me !?
My guess would be that an owl or other bird of prey got them. If you search far and wide enough you might find the feathers. We had a broody chicken hen come up missing - no sign of foul play but I know something got her. The very next night we got a possum in the trap....
lTwo of my guineas have gone broody too, Fortunatly they are in the barn lot so I know where they are but they are sharing a nest. Its too funny to see them both on the nest then taking turnes getting food and water. Crystal
dont worry they will leave the nest to eat an said the males know where their mates are nesting.the only thing to worry about is the nite time varmitts finding an getting them.

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