Guineas screaming up a storm at midnight???

I'm not the OP, but I have these on all of the time. They aren't super bright but enough for them to move abt confidently:
I also put in these more for emergency use. They are super bright so I can look out & see if they're fussing or give them a bit of extra light when it's gloomy & turns dark early. I have one in run and 2 in coop.
I'm not the OP, but I have these on all of the time. They aren't super bright but enough for them to move abt confidently:
I also put in these more for emergency use. They are super bright so I can look out & see if they're fussing or give them a bit of extra light when it's gloomy & turns dark early. I have one in run and 2 in coop.
Awesome- thank you! I have a puck light in there, but I always turn it off once everyone is settled for the night. I’ll try leaving it on tonight. :)
May I ask what kind of nightlight you use? Mine have just recently started going off (mainly the males) late at night or right before dawn. They've always been quiet until it was daylight before and I'm trying to figure out what to do. Thanks!
I bought several types of these solar step lights

I can’t seem to find the one that has lasted for two years but it was similar to this one. I have it on the south side of the coop so the solar panel gets sunlight for charging. It’s across from their auto coop door so they can get walk in towards the light. When they roost, the light’s below them by several feet which doesn’t seem to bother them too much.
I'm not the OP, but I have these on all of the time. They aren't super bright but enough for them to move abt confidently:
I also put in these more for emergency use. They are super bright so I can look out & see if they're fussing or give them a bit of extra light when it's gloomy & turns dark early. I have one in run and 2 in coop.
Hey, all so familiar! I’ve used both of these types of lights trying to lure guineas into the coop! :lau I spray painted the bulb light red so it’s wouldn’t disturb them. That worked until the cord broke... The puck lights were good but I like my current light because it comes on automatically at dusk, since I’m often at work then.
Hey, all so familiar! I’ve used both of these types of lights trying to lure guineas into the coop! :lau I spray painted the bulb light red so it’s wouldn’t disturb them. That worked until the cord broke... The puck lights were good but I like my current light because it comes on automatically at dusk, since I’m often at work then.
The solar ones have a red light setting..or strobe if you want to check your birds for epilepsy. 🤷‍♀️ it starts off w/the soft white light, but by morning it has flipped over to red. I assume it's a battery saving feature. I have them tucked up under a cross beam.
I'm actually impressed by them. I have solar Xmas lights on the outside, & it's hit or miss if they charge enough to light up in the winter. But these inside never fail to charge. We have a larger version in a pole barn & he's been happy w/it.
I don't use the puck lights that often. I decided to get those bc they came w/a remote. I can see if I need to go out, or give them extra light in the run if the weather is crummy.
If they are alarm calling in the middle of the night then something is bothering them. Could be rodents, owls, or other predators. Mine make noise on and off all night. Cooing and the buckwheat calls sometimes but the only time they alarm call is when something is actually wrong. If you read other posts of mine you know we've been battling a mink. There have been no break ins in a little over a month but I definitely know when he's outside the cage. The hubby and I head out with the shot gun but have yet to get a shot. We have reinforced everything on the cage top to bottom. I have three game cameras on their cage and we keep a flood light on now. There's definitely less alarm calling with the light and it does not seem to keep them up. They seem to prefer it. I feel like the light helps to keep the mink at bay. It definitely keeps the Great Horned Owl away. It used to perch every night above the cage at some point and they scream their heads off till I would tromp out there looking like Sigourney Weaver headed for the queen and it would fly off.
Did I mention I don't sleep? :he :lol::lol::lol:
I have six Guineas... they have been making a lot of noise in the middle of the night. We have gone out and inspected the coop. We don't see any evidence of intruders.
Any ideas???
I have the same issue - I have a baby monitor in my coop so I run out there when they scream at night thinking that a racoon is trying to get in but there's never anything there. I think when they hear sounds of the cat walking by, it triggers them, the owls hooting as well. I leave on a waterproof radio on at night so it dulls out the predator sounds (assuming your coop is on lock down like mine) and it always wards off predators from getting close to the coop as it sound like people are awake and talking by the coop. My coop is well ventilated and they have lights around the whole coop (porch string lights) - if I forget to turn them on, they start screaming around dusk. Once I turn it on, they quiet down for a bit them scream again around midnight on some nights and EARLY mornings when they want fresh feed, water and veggies. They stale water so maybe give them a fresh batch for overnight. I remove all feed at night as I noticed that when I leave feed, they won't sleep.

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