Had A Huge Coyote Raid last Night Only One Bird Left GRAPHIC PICS

How terrible. Sorry seems so inadequate, Maxx. I hope you get the stupid coyote. I know they patrol my neighborhood killing any small pets that owners don't lock up at night. We have virtually no outdoor cats in my area. Good luck to you.

BTW- I teach high school, I hope you like your English class.
The is one sad and disgusting way to wake up. But I just be d____d if a coyote would ruin my life. I would ruin his or my name ain't Preston. I would get more chickens and dare a coyote to try that again.
Maxx! I'm so happy to hear that that rotten blankety-blank-blank-blank yote didn't get ALL of your birds! Hopefully, more of them will return later today as they see the coast is clear to do so. They've been through one heck of a traumatic experience too, and will likely be very reluctant and leery of returning to the scene of the tragedy. Keep your eyes and ears peeled. Most hens just cannot resist singing the egg song, and they can't suspend their natural rhythms on account of a coyote attack.
Keep vigilant, and with just a little luck, you may yet find more of your beloved flock! Please keep us posted on that possible event and the inevitable demise of the coyote. Best of luck to you and your dad on that score!
I had the same thing happen to me. We sat our every night for over 2 weeks and that coyote never came back. We even tried hanging meat all over our yard, and all types of coyote bate but he never came back. I'm sorry for your loss and i hope you can catch that sucker and have his head.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. The miserable things are a big problem here right now as well. I'm so glad some of the birds escaped and are making their way back home to you. There's a very good chance if you didn't find evidence of the ones still missing, they will be back.

If you do get one or more of the rotten things, cut off their tails and hang them around the chicken area. I was told, as a child, that the farmers would throw the carcasses out as a warning to anymore of them. They swore it worked without fail. Now a days I don't think you'd want to do that but the tails, close to their scent, just might be enough.
Maxx, Did you get that #$%@#$%. I live in Lutz to and want to know if I need to keep watch for another one. We have had to take care of a few going after my goats and my Dad's calves in the past. We got LGD's so the goats and chickens are pretty safe now. We live near Sunset. You anywhere close to that so I know if it is the same pack coming back this way? If so we will keep watch for them to. If you are near me there are a few wild dogs that have joined the pack.

Good luck with everything and I hope you don't give up. You will miss those farm raised eggs...
Oh, my goodness!
I'm so sorry. I recently had some neighborhood dogs kill quite a few of my chickens, but they left me more than 1! That's so so sad.

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