Had to call the local PD last night... friggin crazy neighbors

that is what I would do. here in florida we have this crazy law, caused a lot of uproar. If someone is causing you harm and your afraid for your life you can kill them. And the threat to do harm is so expansive. It has been used andpeople have been shot dead. I know that everyone was worried about fl becoming the wild west.

But if it where me I would have grabbed her drunk butt by her hair and then proceeded to push her in the ground and siton her until she begged for fogiveness.

Yep, slumlords (I hate that you are having to live there, I wish you lived here, I would love to rent to you and your husband) only care about getting their rent and your rent history with him seems golden, he aint gonna let yall go over some chickens and gardens.
Oh spooky.... You and I would get along great! We think much too much alike
(that's for her). And you would think she should know she's weird. Iv had my run in's with her in the past as well, she is a touchy person... I AM NOT... I have had to remind her a touchy feely person. I'm sorry don't try to sit on my lap woman... especially if your wrinkly olld butt isn't wearing underwear and a long tee as a dress... YUCK... and I'm sorry lush... but don't come bother me while I'm gardening and watering and try to hold my hand.... you freaking wacko woman.... Then come interrupt my BBQ with your drama and screaming and BS about how your ex husband beat you and poor me BS..... And yet... she still sees herself as the victim. She still sees herself as righteous.... Oh she makes my blood boil....
Yep, slumlords (I hate that you are having to live there, I wish you lived here, I would love to rent to you and your husband) only care about getting their rent and your rent history with him seems golden, he aint gonna let yall go over some chickens and gardens.

Mjd... well maybe some day youll get your wish
my long term plan is to settle in Texas. LOVE that place.
So the note really says "so you like to call the cops Eddie? I can't wait to see what Marisa does to you when she finds out what you have been up to." BTW he has had infidelity issues in the past.... now all I want to do is cry.... I feel so beaten down right now....
I keep trying to think that... I was thinking he had changed. I thought he didn't want to lose me and he didn't want to hurt me again.... Now I just don't know and it's taking every thing I got to keep from falling apart while I'm here at work...
It's legal in South Carolina to defend personal propery with "deadly force"... although u never hear about folks "using" deadly force to defend personal property...
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Who told my guardian angel that I needed some kindness? How does this work? Do I fall into the old familiar pit of despair and feel myself tumbling down until suddenly there is the light shining in my face?

I used to have one friend that I admired, he was an ex Marine (of course once a Marine always a Marine) and even though I was with Eddie I respected this man as a person. I appreciated this man as a man and I was proud to think of him as not only a supervisor but a friend. We spent hours and hours talking in the mornings and while I was always faithful and respectful of my relationship I always felt so at ease and his simple company was comforting and wounderful. For some unknown reason after a year of no contact from him he was on his way home and rather than head home he thought....

"I'm going to turn this way, go see what Marisa's up to"

He didn't even know I was still working here, he took a chance and his bright inspiration has picked me up, dusted me off and kept me going.

Thanks Fernando.... Your such a good friend.

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