Hands on hatching and help

That's great news! I have not had a prolapse yet, and I think I should prepare just in case. Like you said, I think this year is going to be a rough one. I loved the extra mild winter we had but believe it or not I think it's going to throw a lot off this year. There was just an article in our Sunday paper about how bad bugs and mosquitos are going to be this summer and their various diseases they bring.
I've come across a few people that were or wanting to breed frizzles and had no idea about their genes. I really wanted to breed some polish frizzles, when I first started with chickens and after doing a small amount of research I found out and definitely decided against it right then and there.

That's the main reason I'm getting rid of Armand. With him being frizzled, I can't keep any other frizzles at all, so I'd rather keep his daughter (and if any of Katherines new babies turn out to be frizzles). But...it is NOT a lethal gene. Its just not advised to breed them together. It "usually" makes their feathers really brittle, and they break easily, and don't grow well. Not great for a chicken, so breeding them together is just not advised. I think that's where the confusion comes from, because some still do it, and some even have ok luck with them. ETA - at least, from my research, that's my understanding.

Oh, I have to show yall my little full assist baby now. So happy I saved this little cutie!

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That's the main reason I'm getting rid of Armand. With him being frizzled, I can't keep any other frizzles at all, so I'd rather keep his daughter (and if any of Katherines new babies turn out to be frizzles). But...it is NOT a lethal gene. Its just not advised to breed them together. It "usually" makes their feathers really brittle, and they break easily, and don't grow well. Not great for a chicken, so breeding them together is just not advised. I think that's where the confusion comes from, because some still do it, and some even have ok luck with them.

Oh, I have to show yall my little full assist baby now. So happy I saved this little cutie!


X2, I breed frizzles and I have both a rooster and hens. The rooster doesn't get to breed with those hens. It's not a lethal gene but will cause feather problems if the chick gets two copies.

And your baby is adorable :love
X2, I breed frizzles and I have both a rooster and hens. The rooster doesn't get to breed with those hens. It's not a lethal gene but will cause feather problems if the chick gets two copies.

And your baby is adorable :love

Thanks. I just edited my post before I read yours, to say that was my understanding. Lol

And thanks! Your babies are adorable too!
That's great news! I have not had a prolapse yet, and I think I should prepare just in case. Like you said, I think this year is going to be a rough one. I loved the extra mild winter we had but believe it or not I think it's going to throw a lot off this year. There was just an article in our Sunday paper about how bad bugs and mosquitos are going to be this summer and their various diseases they bring.
I've come across a few people that were or wanting to breed frizzles and had no idea about their genes. I really wanted to breed some polish frizzles, when I first started with chickens and after doing a small amount of research I found out and definitely decided against it right then and there.
That was my first prolapse, and it was a nasty one. I thought for sure it wasn't going to be a happy ending.

jere are some update pictures on tweety our little silkie.

Here are our 2 partridge silkies.
All 3 are doing great.

Last one is pecking my daughters eye hahaha..
Awe!!! Eye pecking really hurts!!! lol

It could have been that, and might just be from shipping damage... one of the issues I got was shipped eggs that hatched under a broody, no temp spikes there... best to always assume genetic for it and not breed it, but others should be fine...
That chick hatched yesterday? I'd pull it... and check the other eggs since one already exploded... jmo...
xs 2

That's the main reason I'm getting rid of Armand. With him being frizzled, I can't keep any other frizzles at all, so I'd rather keep his daughter (and if any of Katherines new babies turn out to be frizzles). But...it is NOT a lethal gene. Its just not advised to breed them together. It "usually" makes their feathers really brittle, and they break easily, and don't grow well. Not great for a chicken, so breeding them together is just not advised. I think that's where the confusion comes from, because some still do it, and some even have ok luck with them. ETA - at least, from my research, that's my understanding.

Oh, I have to show yall my little full assist baby now. So happy I saved this little cutie!

Now I had read on here somewhere where a conversation about frazzled chicks someone stated that because of the brittle feathering it could also cause sensative skin/pain to the bird. Is there any trueth to that at all?
I also meant to add....what a cutie!! So glad you were able to save her!
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Its belated&catching up on thread but sorry about your poor little ducks beak. Hopefully it's doing ok&eating now..def not a baby that should be using a drip bottle to drink(just my opion).

It's eating and drinking ok. We definitely don't use a drip bottle for the ducks. They need something they can wet their beaks in. :)

It could have been that, and might just be from shipping damage... one of the issues I got was shipped eggs that hatched under a broody, no temp spikes there... best to always assume genetic for it and not breed it, but others should be fine...
That chick hatched yesterday? I'd pull it... and check the other eggs since one already exploded... jmo...

Yes we won't let that one reproduce for sure. I'm a little worried. I went back to check on her and she is now sneezing a bit and I can hear a bit of a click. Sounds like a respiratory infection maybe. Would it be ok to start her on antibiotics just in case? That's what helped my little silkie chick.

That's the main reason I'm getting rid of Armand. With him being frizzled, I can't keep any other frizzles at all, so I'd rather keep his daughter (and if any of Katherines new babies turn out to be frizzles). But...it is NOT a lethal gene. Its just not advised to breed them together. It "usually" makes their feathers really brittle, and they break easily, and don't grow well. Not great for a chicken, so breeding them together is just not advised. I think that's where the confusion comes from, because some still do it, and some even have ok luck with them. ETA - at least, from my research, that's my understanding.

Oh, I have to show yall my little full assist baby now. So happy I saved this little cutie!


Yeah. I'm only going off of my research as well. Our at the time 5 silkie chicks all turned out to be frizzled. I'm of coarse a book worm so I researched the poo out of it lol. Nothing I read said it only happens on occasion but who knows. I have no personal experience but the pics were so terrible. It was enough to turn me off of frizzles. I just don't want that responsibility. Their are lots of breeders who take care though. :) and they are so cute. :)
That was my first prolapse, and it was a nasty one. I thought for sure it wasn't going to be a happy ending.

Awe!!!   Eye pecking really hurts!!! lol

xs 2

I also meant to add....what a cutie!! So glad you were able to save her!

Eye pecker... I'm not even going to go there....or did I just? :gig

Oops, lost part of your quote, no surprise. But I have also heard that about sensitivity in them too. Like Jennifer, just going on what I've read too, mostly here.
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Eye pecker... I'm not even going to go there....or did I just? :gig

I have to say someone today tried to reprimand me for letting a chick lay next to my daughters head because it pecked her in the eye lol. It was one of the little silkies and we both laughed so hard about it. I posted the pic on Facebook and this lady was serious saying how if her chickens do that she gets rid of them right away and she teaches her kids to not let the chicks near their face.. well la di da. We just let them peck us in the face lmfao..
I have to say someone today tried to reprimand me for letting a chick lay next to my daughters head because it pecked her in the eye lol. It was one of the little silkies and we both laughed so hard about it. I posted the pic on Facebook and this lady was serious saying how if her chickens do that she gets rid of them right away and she teaches her kids to not let the chicks near their face.. well la di da. We just let them peck us in the face lmfao..

Omg, I watched one of my comet broody's babies actually grab her eyelid and pull on it! Momma just took it! Made me cringe :gig

How did I miss this lol :p

I edited :D

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