Hands on hatching and help

A couple drops of Nutridrench straight on the tongue, then a couple drops plain water to wash it down...

Amoxicillin is a good start, check out Fish Mox in fish meds...

I can never get that horrible nutridrench dropper to get even close. I always have to put it on the tip of my finger and wipe it on the beak. I give it to all hatchlings before they go from incubator to brooder.
Where would I put water in this incubator to keep the humidity level

Have you already bought it or was that a question for when you buy it? If you haven't bought it already, I wouldn't. These cheap Chinese models almost always suck. It's better to spend the money on something like a Hovabator or an Incuview if you can swing it.
You roll them. It's easier to have a X on one side and a O on the other so you don't get confused. I had to buy a Turner as I kept forgetting to turn them lol

Also, in case someone is flipping the egg: I received some lovely eggs with such small air cells (whoohoo so rare with shipped eggs to get decently fresh!). When I candled and drew my initial air cells on before setting, I couldn't even find some (after waiting a day). For those, I put the small side down and life went on. About 5 days or so later, I was shining a light over the top and noticed a solid top. I turned the egg and discovered the air cell on the smaller side (hardly ever happens). When I corrected it, within a day or 2, the embryo died/a blood ring.
I've also been hatching shipped eggs and for a couple of months I didn't have one hatch. After fiddling around with the humidity and the aircells I decided to try the forget about them method. I basically put them in and forget about them until just before lockdown I will candle and remove the duds. I don't put any water in so I do dry hatch and it's worked for me ever since. I think I will try the stop turning at day 14 though see how that goes

Dry hatch is successful for many people.
Have you already bought it or was that a question for when you buy it? If you haven't bought it already, I wouldn't. These cheap Chinese models almost always suck. It's better to spend the money on something like a Hovabator or an Incuview if you can swing it.

An incubator that is not even expensive can make you feel much more successful. A poorly made one often ends in frustration. On this site there are reviews of different incubators, somewhere!

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