Hanging feeder clearance issue


12 Years
Jan 22, 2008
Reed City, Michigan
I bought a hanging feeder from TS this spring, and the birds did fine with it. Now that my rooster, and hens are getting bigger they don't seem to be feeding from it like they should. There is only 1 inch clearance in the pan for them to get their heads in and eat. It looks like they are having a hard time getting at their chow. I'm wondering if I should reduce the diameter of the tube, or put in a larger pan. Any suggestions?
Is it like this Little Giant hanging feeder that we use? Our flock is 2+ years old and still use it.


If not, could you post a pic so we could see what you have?
Here it is...Like I said there is just one inch clearance from the tube to the pan lip. Yours looks bigger...Can you tell mewhat the clearance is?.. My waterer has a 1 1/2 inch clearance and the lip is beveled out, so while they have to turn their heads sideways they can still drink easy enough.
Thanks, Greg
Thanks, I'm thinking of putting a smaller tube in it. I made a trough feeder this spring and I put that in the coop until I can get this one adjusted.
I have a hanging waterer but not a feeder. As my chickens grew I raised the waterer and if I brought in smaller chickens I lowered it for a short time. Mine have no problem drinking from it and I would think it would be the same for eating.
i just bought that same hanging galvanized feeder for my chicks who are about 16 weeks old. no problems with clearance for their heads.
I have the same hanging galvanized feeder and waterer. I have never had a problem. I have them adjustable so I can adjust the height as my birds grow older.
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I use them just like yours.I put mine higher to keep them from getting junk in it. I would not change the design try adjusting better for their height.I make mine kinda stretch their necks to eat.I think the small gap between the tray and the tube keeps them from spilling and waste. Will

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