Happy Planks

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I've only ever done them a few times. I think it sounds fun to try though. Did one just now

I did it on my elbows without cheating :)
What method is everybody using to do their planks?? On knees or not? On elbows with knees/without. Arms extended with/without, etc. Genuinely curious.

I've been doing the traditional one on elbows w/o knees involved

This was agonizing. Slipknot definitely helped me through this one 😆
View attachment 3876330
Straight arms. No knees.
How many are y'all doing a day? As in how many to see some results eventually?
Many studies show that doing around 3-5 sets of most workouts is pretty optimal for building muscle/endurance. Being how that's what I'm aiming for, from today on I'll start doing 3 sets till failure. Then in a month I'll post b4 and after pics (maybe idk if showing skin is allowed here, lmk if not somebody) plus I wanna see how long I can do them at the end of the month vs now

Day 4

Don't ask me how I got a longer time on the 3rd set than the 2nd but somehow I did 😆

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