Happy to Be Here!


We grow fresh organic and when not able contact a CSA. Great work! We landscape with edibles as well and grow cover crops in raised bed for our chickens. I’m sure you will enjoy it as we do. I like Justin Rhodes also, he highlights interesting work in agriculture and farming industry. Hope to see you in the forums. Have fun!​
Bonjour :frow and welcome from France! Wow that is a lot of chickens and amazing variety - love your egg colours too!!

Mon Dieu! Someone from France! I try to speak to my flock in their heritage languages every day, but I'm running out things to say to my French birds! I tell them Hello, and Goodbye, and ask them how they're doing, but I don't know anything else in French, other than the occasional compliment for a really nice egg. Can you teach me some things to try with them?
Mon Dieu! Someone from France! I try to speak to my flock in their heritage languages every day, but I'm running out things to say to my French birds! I tell them Hello, and Goodbye, and ask them how they're doing, but I don't know anything else in French, other than the occasional compliment for a really nice egg. Can you teach me some things to try with them?
:lau:lau:lau:laubrilliant! I'll have to think of some fab chicken phrases for you :lau:lau need coffee though before my brain starts to function!

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