Hard boiled egg question

Mike Fronczak

In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 16, 2012
Hilton, NY
we just started raising our own chickens this year. We hard boiled some of the eggs, they whites seem to adhere to the shell when you peel them as opposed to a store bought egg that the shell just slips off of. Is this normal ? The chickens are fed normal TSC crumbles, leftover veggies, and are allowed to free range a couple hours a day, in coop or fenced yard area rest of time
we just started raising our own chickens this year. We hard boiled some of the eggs, they whites seem to adhere to the shell when you peel them as opposed to a store bought egg that the shell just slips off of. Is this normal ? The chickens are fed normal TSC crumbles, leftover veggies, and are allowed to free range a couple hours a day, in coop or fenced yard area rest of time
I noticed the same thing....
It has been posted before, but this works for me every time even with todays eggs:

Bring a pan of water to a boil
Add salt
slip room temperature eggs into boiling water
boil for 14 minutes
Remove from water and place in bowl of ice water.
Let cool and peel. It seems to work on any size egg from Banty to x lg.
Good luck and enjoy perfectly peeled eggs
I just tried hard boiling eggs from my hens laid today. The baking soda totally worked. The inside of my pot used to boil was a bit white, nothing some elbow grease couldn't fix.
I'm so happy I t tried this! Best thing I've learned all week. :)
Boil eggs. When done, crack the shells with a spoon or butter knife. (The key is to get hot water under the membrain inside of the shell.) Boil for 2 minutes more. Run each egg under cold water to create a tempature differential between the egg and shell. Peel. Letting the eggs sit @ room temp the night before also helps. (They are not as fresh that way. I prefer the fresh eggs.) It doesn't cure all of the sticking, but I can usually get 8 out of 10 eggs to peel clean without much trouble.

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