Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

We really don't have a lot of turtles here. The Western Ponds can get a bit bigger than that one... about 8 inches across.

(Charlie has a girlfriend!!! :eek: :D)

Goodness knows what I was thinking of giant ones for! :lol:

Yes Charlie has a girlfriend now. Met her at college where she is doing an equine course. She’s very shy & quiet. Plus she’s very small, I’m not saying that in horrible way but she is just tiny. Keeper jumps at her whilst she is stood up and he’s has tall as her. Can put his front legs on her shoulders. I’m sure he sees this as a way of over powering her!
Def no flag flying today!

Still -4c at lunchtime with fog :rolleyes:

Bran had a frosted tail & Harry had dirty ice whiskers :lol:

Well I am just on my way out to ride round the block with Ian..... will be back to fly my flag later.... it is cold but that sunshine is glorious and the roads are dry and ice free, so we should be OK.

I will be looking for that flag later Barbara! :clapHave a fab time!
Fog is awful here, no sun at all!
Oh what a shame! It has been glorious here all day. Ground is frozen but a really lovely winter's day. Anyway, here we go...
Just done a not so steady 5 mile trot round the block with all 3 of Ian's horses. Having done nothing for nearly 2 months, I'm shattered. It was lovely though and I got my pick of which horse to ride ie Zak.

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