Has anyone else read the fiction novel 'Fresh Eggs'? A MUST READ!!!!!


12 Years
Apr 15, 2007
Northwest Alabama
Ok, in the super swap last week, smooborp sent me a book called Fresh Eggs, and it HAS to be read by every chicken lover in the world. It has to. It must be mandatory.
You know how folks that are into romance books....well, they buy romance novels? This is a chicken, romance novel. No lie. I will not give out any spoilers except that there are hatcheries, layer houses, pet chickens, young love, a little S*X, a lot of eggs, and a huge, huge turn of events that totally makes this book my new favorite!!
My husband fell asleep while I was trying to tell him about it.......so you must love chickens to love this book!!!!!! (He's a quail lover......well.....you know what I mean..)

Run Now and go find this book!!!!!
OHHH its so addictive!!! The host of the swap (or thread) opens with an item, whatever they have of interest........plant bulbs, handmade soap, DVD's, etc. Whoever posts "MINE" first gets that item and offers up one of their own! Its like a giant yard sale, only you just pay shipping on the items you offered.

There are usually rules posted a few minutes before.
You know, Be nice, Play Fair, Don't criticize what people offer, etc.......

Last week, I got the book & some handmade earrings from Shmooborp and a whole box of plant cuttings & quilting squares from therealsilkiechick. And I offered up cake pans & a livestock book. So, see, its really just stuff you want to part with! You never know who wants it!!FUN FUN !!!
HAHAHA!!!!! i LOVE the book.. i was as addicted to reading it as i am to rasing chickens!!! they need to make a sequal or something! i want more!!!!! it seriously is awesome... i loved it... *gasp*
I could totally see a movie made from this book!!! Who would play Rhea as a teenager?

ELLEN PAGE!!!! The girl from that movie JUNO!!!!!!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhaaahhhhAHAAHHAAAHAH!!!! i could totaly see that !!! it would be a GREAT movie!!!!!
MAN I WISH THEY WOULD MAKE A SEQUAL!!!!!!!!!! omg.... soooo good... likew seriously.. awesome.

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