Hatcheries without huge minimums in winter - shipping to Alabama


11 Years
Jul 10, 2010
southern AL
Our local feed stores get the same types of chicks every year and our TSC gets a variety through out the season, but I'd like to just get them all at once. Just standard chickens, nothing crazy.
Suggestions of hatcheries to look at that might be closer to Alabama so they don't have to travel as far?
I've looked at a few, but I know I'm missing some of the larger hatcheries out there
There are surely local folks that will sell to you. I have barnyard mix chicks as I’m sure many do. Most folks would gladly sell you fertilized eggs for you to incubate, or someone would likely incubate for you and you can buy the chicks, Etc. I am in NE Alabama and am just now starting to incubate for others. We have barred rocks and Buff Orpingtons but they are free range so their chicks are usually always mixed. McMurray Hatchery (iowa) is what we use and have had good luck with. With our chickens being free range I am glad they come from a cold place - esp with the recent weather. All of them (and their 3mo chicks) have made it through these cold fronts. But if you want close - get real close! You can check out the section of this site for folks selling in your area. If you’re in northern Alabama and are willing to wait a month or two - i‘m working on dividing our chickens up into their breeds so we can have some pure barred rocks and pure buff orp. Good luck on your chick search!
Found this list! Have never heard of any of them but i never googled alabama hatchery… worth checking out!

And from Facebook…

Hannah Creek Homestead in Brookwood has a cool FB page. Lots of super cute chick pictures.

Alabama has more chicks to offer than I thought! And lots of chicks for sale on the alabama livestock FB group all the time


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