Hatching 🐣 time!! If anyone would like to follow along 😁


Baby # 8 Salmon Faverolle
That's definitely the down side to hatching at home. I'm praying I have better luck with chickens than I do with ducks. I let my duck hatch 5 eggs this past spring and they turned out to be all boys 🤦🏻‍♀️ This is my 1st time using an incubator and hatching chicken's. I bought all my chickens last spring from a hatchery and TSC. So now im addicted and that's what has led me to today lol
Me, too....ordered chicks last year in case my incubation didn't go well...didn't want to disappoint the grandkids...so of course ordered 16 chicks to be delivered on hatch day and 24 out of 25 eggs hatched successfully! Chicken math is a real thing!

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