Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

Quick 2 week update with not great pictures! Everyone is doing well. One couldn’t find its way around an obstacle this morning (typical situation where Mama was right on the other side of the fence and the little one needed to go around, but wanted to go STRAIGHT THROUGH). I helped out the little one and got attacked for my efforts. Mama continues to be an awesome mama.
Rouens will be Rouens! The steps are on the other side of the pool. It took a minute for them to figure out, but it wasn’t long before they were shooting around under water.

I think Daisy’s voice is starting to change. She(?) is my little WH, who is hopefully female based off of bill color right after hatch.
Rouens will be Rouens! The steps are on the other side of the pool. It took a minute for them to figure out, but it wasn’t long before they were shooting around under water.

I think Daisy’s voice is starting to change. She(?) is my little WH, who is hopefully female based off of bill color right after hatch. View attachment 3864520View attachment 3864521
Somebody forgot to tell them to start pooping in the water it's way too clean.
3 weeks old today (except Daisy, who will be 3 weeks old tomorrow morning). Apollo is the larger and darker Rouen. Bubbles is the lighter and smaller Rouen. Chester is the assumed KC, and Daisy is my little WH. I have more videos than pictures today, but haven’t uploaded them to YT yet, so here’s their 3-week portraits for now. They’re growing like weeds and eating a TON!
Oops, I think I posted the same Rouen twice! Even I have a hard time telling them apart. Usually, the first in the water is Apollo. The one who always gets into trouble is Bubbles.

Edited to add: one of them is getting a lot more orange on their bill. That will make it easier to tell them apart!

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