They were transported in a car about 35 minutes, transferred to my car then traveled 15 minutes.
Do I let them rest for 12-24 hours?
I’m really excited to get them incubated but I also want to ensure successful hatch. First time with someone else’s eggs.
I decided to do a rainbow egg basket this year. I hope I like it.
This better be 50% hens and all the hens hatch! lol
I also heard of 4 hours pointy down immediately no turning.
Do I let them rest for 12-24 hours?
I’m really excited to get them incubated but I also want to ensure successful hatch. First time with someone else’s eggs.
I decided to do a rainbow egg basket this year. I hope I like it.
This better be 50% hens and all the hens hatch! lol
I also heard of 4 hours pointy down immediately no turning.