Hating Winters

For your hands, I found these gloves. They are more waterproof than others and have a thermal lining. My hands have still gotten cold when I'm out there too long and sometimes I have to take them off so that I can do a bit more, but they are keeping my hands dry and warm.
Also, when it is really cold, I wear this ski jumpsuit like outfit my dad gave me (not sure why as I was an adult - but it came in handy when taking the kids out to play in the snow). Now, I use it to check on my flock. :D I could invest in carharts, but already have this. Ha.
Also, A nice pair of winter muck boots come in handy too!
I agree that the mud is not fun, but once winter thoroughly sets in you won't have to worry about it - just snow and ice, frozen eggs, and frozen water... until spring. :lol:
I'm gonna look for those next shopping trip. I have yet to find the perfect pair of gloves that are warm enough yet not so thick that I have to keep taking them off. Plus mine get damp changing waters and I end up frozen to the handle of my buckets. :barnie
I'm the opposite, and can't handle the cold well. That's why I don't live in Minnesota anymore.
You are than familiar with those Canadian arctic fronts that only hit the upper midwest. Where's that Canadian air in the summer?
I'm gonna look for those next shopping trip. I have yet to find the perfect pair of gloves that are warm enough yet not so thick that I have to keep taking them off. Plus mine get damp changing waters and I end up frozen to the handle of my buckets. :barnie
I have to take them off for certain tasks, but not all of the time. So, they are working for me.
I've been planning and dreading the cold since June. I was buying heated buckets and roosts in July. I really have never shoveled, really no need, guess who bought a shovel on Saturday for a chicken run? I put tarps and plastic up in October. I've changed waterers and positions a few times. And I didn't forget the gate to get on that side of the yard freezes, so I got the bungee cord out. It got cold fast-one day I had a hose and the next day it was frozen. I've come up with a routine. I got a 5 gallon bucket, at night I fill all heated watereers and buckets, dump the large bowls the ducks use, so nothing freezes. In the morning I bring my bucket back out through my easy to open gate and fill duck bowls, let them out. at lunch I check the chickens water. They are doing a great job of keeping poop under control with scratching. I scrape what I can off the hutch, activity center, etc. It took me 6 months to think of everything. I hate not being prepared. I can handle 0-30 degrees no problem. I go out and sit with them. I do dread the negative temps with windchills. There is nothing I can do to be ready for that.
I'm not fond of the beginning of the cold season either, takes awhile to get acclimated.
Winter is not near as much fun as when I could go out and 'play' in the snow.

I have yet to find the perfect pair of gloves that are warm enough yet not so thick that I have to keep taking them off.
Exactly! I just wear the thinner version of those posted and move faster. :D I wear good heavy gloves to shovel things out before chicken chores.
Since I got my heated waterer rigged up, no wet hands here, just carry a gallon jug out and top off waterer.

Something to look forward to is that winter officially starts on December 21st.
Winter Solstice, my favorite holiday, when the days begin to lengthen! 31 days to go!

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