In the Brooder
First time chicken owner. Have 12 buff orpingtons, 10 hens and 2 roosters. About 6 months old. They free range most days. One rooster is very dominant, has been attacking the crap out of me. Pecking very hard and tearing like has caused frays on my clothes. And jumping at me. I'm pretty set at going down to 1 rooster. Do I keep the dominant and hope he chills out once the other one is gone, or should I cut bait on the dominant one and hope the docile guy perks up? I really like the docile one, he seems to actually like me and lets me pet him LOL. But more than a pet I need one to watch over the hens.
Thoughts? Can I try to keep them both if so how should I approach that? Or if I go down to 1, which one would you keep?
Thoughts? Can I try to keep them both if so how should I approach that? Or if I go down to 1, which one would you keep?