Have 9 chickens who need proper space. Looking for information

Lots of interesting opinions here! For the record in the 70s I inherited my grandfather's original RIR flock started in 1940. In the 90s some scum STOLE them. It took me about 10 years to recover from the loss before I finally started again. That time I had Buff Rocks. They were all killed by a pack of coyotes and feral dogs. In 2008 I started again with chicks from Meyers and Cackle. Now everything I've got is home-bred and the coops and runs are literally outside my back door. Now I have security lights.

The coops all have 4 sq ft and 1 linear foot of roost space per bird. My runs are 1/2" hardware cloth with shade cloth over the roof. Since I won't risk free ranging ever again, I have 25-35 sq ft of space per bird in my runs. RIRs are loud, active breeds. They all get along very well IF they have enough space. They prefer being outside in all weather except freezing rain.

Hopefully something here will be helpful.

Rusty :D

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