Just Rosie

8 Years
May 10, 2016
Hey all, gonna try to type quick.

Just had a hen scooped up by a hawk but I was able to make it outside in time and chase her off.

Hen was dazed and I thought shocky but now seems bright alert responsive. I believe hawk's talon went right into or above her eye. Have not yet been able to assess full damage but as far as I can tell, globe is intact. I did not want to start touching and upsetting the wound before I have an analgesic plan in place.

I have meloxicam, carprofen (25mg chew tabs), and 100mg gabapentin capsules.

**This bird is a silkie hen and weighs about 900g, but I am rounding up to 1kg.**

From what I can find, carprofen is 4mg/kg max PO SID/BID, and I have tested I can split tabs into eighths (~3.1mg). However I dont think its worth it.

From what I can find, Meloxicam is 0.5-2.0mg/kg max PO SID/BID. My concentration is 0.5mg/ml so I was going to start at 1ml (0.5mg) and see how it affects her. I think I would prefer metacam over rimadyl as I have more wiggleroom.

**my question is, if I go on lower side of dose (0.5mg/kg), would I be able to squeeze in a third dose in the day if necessary? Or should I stick to BID?**

I only have Ofloxacin eye drops and cant find my terramycin. Was planning to flush eye and apply drops q8-12. How frequently would yall recc?

Lastly, the only oral antibiotic I have is baytril 22.7mg tablets. I have read it can be used but is not recommended due to bacterial resistance. I also know Enro is an ass kicking drug anyway so I am planning to skip it for now.

Give me any advice you have. This is the FOURTH predator this girl has survived in 2 months. 3 of those were hawk strikes directly at her. Bless her, shes a trooper.

Listened to her heart and lungs, no crackles or anything. I dont see any other wounds besides the eye, although when I came and got her from the hawk she did have blood in her mouth. Not a ton and it is gone now. Hoping it's just some upper airway stuff from the hawk grab.

Gonna go ahead and start with the metacam now since I want to relieve her, I can try and get pics if yall think that would help. I appreciate any info you can give!!
If you can get any pictures of the eye tomorrow that would be helpful. It may take days for the swelling to go down. I would also use the meloxicam. Gabapentin causes drowsiness, so she might not eat and drink very well. She may not need an oral antibiotic, but you could use the Ofloxacin or even plain Neosporin ointment in the eye twice a day. It is safe enough for a chicken. Read the following thread post 2 by Casportpony on meloxicam dosage:
I've attached some pics. I wish I had remembered to get a "before the metacam kicked in" photo bc initially it was swollen shut and pretty enlarged. The first pic, the dimmest, is maybe 1-2 hours after I had given metacam and applied oflox. Approximately 5p

The next 2 photos with black door in background were taken around 6p, 1 hour later, and swelling much improved. Very sensitive to light.

Last pic with my blue scrubs in background. Taken about 8:30p. I feel it looks about same or slightly better.

I'm happy with how much swelling has gone down, but looking through all the photos/vids I took, I'm now concerned she might have a pretty big scratch across cornea, maybe deeper. There is a sliver of bluish tint in each pic. It could be reflecting something like my pants. But it's in every angle so unsure. I have not looked at it properly since beginning treatment, mostly bc it is pretty painful, even from light. She seems completely capable of using the eye, unable to test menace and pupil light response so unsure if she can see out of it yet.

After the 8:30 pic I gave her next dose of metacam and applied drops. I will try to get updated pics tomorrow after I've had a better chance test her light response and menace. And I'll check for that blue slice I see in the pics

**I also found a couple of wounds on her upper back. I couldnt get a good look at them but one looked pretty superficial. The other might have exposed some muscle but I am unsure if I should cut or pluck feathers? I know normally it is ideal to pluck but they are mostly downy feathers and its a decent size to pluck every feather in the area. Plus I worry about additional trauma from the movement. I am thinking I will cut them and any that bleed I will either pluck or quickstop? I have doused the two areas with vetrycin in the meantime.**

Shes quieter overall but she is definitely eating and drinking and seems to have no issues doing so. Also, when she began feeling better, she hopped right out of the large tub I had placed her in. I think shes exhausted and painful, but overall doing ok.


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