Hawk IN the coop... it had to WALK UP THE RAMP to get in there...

I haven't really found what they love beyond fruit - vegetables, nope, bread, nope, SCRATCH -- nope! That free range life man, bugs be goooooood lol

But they do come when I call them in a certain way and it is just so dang sweet, it just tickles my heart every time. Love them buggers.

Today -- when I chased off the hawk that was attacking Pepper, it had her. I was driving away and saw the wings flapping of the hawk in the pasture as I was leaving. I slammed on brakes, ran out of the car and ran to the field -- stopping to open the fence (I don't keep them behind the fence - yet - but that's where he was with her) and as soon as I got close he bailed.

I saw her sitting there, squatted down and was running to her. As SOON as she saw me, she RAN TO MY FEET and just stopped, right between my feet. Typically, these younger chicks run the hell away from me. They are wilder than my older flock. Less tame.

But she ran right to my feet and when I went to scoop her up, she didn't protest. She let me. I tucked her up on my chest, under my chin and immediately just sooooothing soooothing voice and holding her gently. I didn't know if she was injured. I didn't know WHAT was going on. I just wanted to get her and her sisters to safety so I walked back to her coop to put her straight in the coop... and when I lifted her away from me, my husband looked her over while she was still in my hands. Zero injury, just looked rattled.

I set her in the coop, and as soon as the other chicks saw me at the coop, they ran over to me as well to get in.

I didn't count them then -- that was at noon. I didn't count them when they came running back to me and we locked them up tight, made sure none were running around (but we missed that one was missing) and went to our errand.

The fact that she ran to me broke my heart. They know who takes care of them, even if they seem stand offish. She ran right to me for safety. My heart BURST with love for that little girl.

I'm too tenderhearted for having a farm what on earth was I thinking lol I'm crying now just thinking about it! lol dang it!!

I hope Rose is just hiding somewhere, I will cross some fingers but she didn't come in at night for cooping up. Will see what happens in the morning.
Update this morning;

no Rose :(

All the ladies (and a couple of cockerels heh) are cooped up and chillin'

They don't seem to mind too much, but they do protest a little when I have gone out to tend to them. They are used to roaming and bustle at the door whenever I show up. Poor things lol

I tell them it's for their own good!! I brought them blueberries today <3


Our silly cockerel Sarge, who at 12 weeks still does not have a tail lol (this was taken last evening yesterday before they went up for the night)
Sorry, for your loss. I had a hawk in my coop twice. The first one was just spooked and didn't cause damage. The second one was a big red tail and did four hens. Why do they not go for the Roosters? The only bird I've had take a rooster was a Bald Eagle.
anyway, I now have the inner fence door shut except for enough space for the chickens to go out. The top is covered too. they can walk a short distance, but hopefully not 10 yards and then they would be trapped inside the inner caged area.

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