Hawk killed my pullet...just wanted to vent.


In the Brooder
Jan 6, 2024
Bonnie was 23 weeks old, an Ameraucana(maybe easter egger?). She was already squatting down whenever I squealed her name or went to pet her. She's be the first to come running, followed behind me in the yard most of spring and all summer just loudly demanding treats. Sweetest little thing.
Hawk got her in the hour it took to put my one year old down for a nap before I went back out to the coop with their treats. The flock was out dust bathing near the back deck when i had left them. I caught the hawk on Bonnie ripping off pieces of her skull, neck and shoulders...

Moving foward I'm going to set up an indoor dust bathing area for the flock. I have three Jersey Giants hens, two Delaware hens and now three pullets. I have a run set up now with netting covering it all. My neighbor also gave me wind chimes to hang around outside, supposedly they can help deter hawks(?).

I just wanted to vent a little here where there are others that care about their flocks. And know how precious they can be. I was mentioning to a relative what happend and how upset I was over losing my favorite little yard companion, but they just dismissed me with "it's just a chicken".

If you have anything suggestions on what else to do to deter hawks, I am all ears.


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I am so sorry you lost her. She was gorgeous.
I had a hawk attack on Friday and miraculously everyone survived. I was sitting really close by and that didn't deter the hawk. My little pullet, Pooh, fought like the devil and my lead hen, Bernadette, joined in attacking the hawk. It was the noise that made me look up and as I came running the hawk flew away.
I am still shaking from that encounter so I can only imagine how you must be feeling.

I am not sure what to suggest to keep them safer. I realize mine got more exposed because a lot of the shrubbery they usually hang out under has lost its leaves. I am keeping them locked in for a week (in any case it is nasty and cold and snowy right now) and have some ideas about fixing netting between flag poles I can mount on their coop and run which would give them a larger 'safe' area.

Really sorry for your loss.
That absolutely sucks. She was a cute one. Did I read it right that you don't have a rooster? One might help with alerting the girls and giving then more time to hide.

"it's just a chicken". My "favourite" line! I am used to hearing it and don't blame people anymore, no one understands how amazing and complex chickens are unless they have a flock of their own. It's how things are. You just wait until you hear it from a vet. That will make your blood boil. If you happen to have a vet that accepts chickens nearby treat them like treasure.
How sad to lose your chicken in such a way. The only way to protect your chickens from hawks/owls is to keep them in a covered run. Otherwise you can provide areas for them to hide under when hawks visit the area. Some people provide brush to hide under or make pallet huts for the chickens get under.
Bonnie was 23 weeks old, an Ameraucana(maybe easter egger?). She was already squatting down whenever I squealed her name or went to pet her. She's be the first to come running, followed behind me in the yard most of spring and all summer just loudly demanding treats. Sweetest little thing.
Hawk got her in the hour it took to put my one year old down for a nap before I went back out to the coop with their treats. The flock was out dust bathing near the back deck when i had left them. I caught the hawk on Bonnie ripping off pieces of her skull, neck and shoulders...

Moving foward I'm going to set up an indoor dust bathing area for the flock. I have three Jersey Giants hens, two Delaware hens and now three pullets. I have a run set up now with netting covering it all. My neighbor also gave me wind chimes to hang around outside, supposedly they can help deter hawks(?).

I just wanted to vent a little here where there are others that care about their flocks. And know how precious they can be. I was mentioning to a relative what happend and how upset I was over losing my favorite little yard companion, but they just dismissed me with "it's just a chicken".

If you have anything suggestions on what else to do to deter hawks, I am all ears.
I am so sorry for your loss. (And that your reletive is such a jacka$$) It's happened to me in the past and it always seems to be a most beloved pullet or hen.
Mine have covered runs but they do like to get out and forage.
We live by the water and have eagles and several varieties of hawks in our area.
I usually turn a radio up loud. I put it on a talk channel. I also take a walk around the chicken yard regularly just to make myself known to the hawks and eagles. I've seen several over the water but they don't often get too close to the barnyard or house. I've scared off a couple of young ones this year, so I'm keeping an eye open.
I am so sorry for the loss of your Bonnie. I have to tell you that while you are determining what to do, you should leave them in. The hawk will definitely be back.

Last spring, after a red-shouldered hawk tried to grapple with one of my roosters - I heard it and ran out (he is fine), I put up hawk netting in the areas of my run that were not hard covered. My run area is very big 40x60, so the netting looks kind of tacky - but I don't care if it makes my babies safe. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06WP82KC6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1
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So far we've done a couple thing:
1) netting over the chicken run
2) no unsupervised outings
3) and a young rooster joined the flock he's a 22-26 weeks old easter egger.
4) several shiny reflective metal wind chimes on the pine trees near the coop

I just feel bad because these ladies were so use to just wandering around all day and now they're stuck in a run. I know it's for their own safety. I'll just have to make their run larger come spring.

Thank you all so much for your insight and tip. I really appreciate and enjoy being in this community.


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