Head Bob


Mar 12, 2025
Greetings. I have 5 silkies around 6-7 months old now, 2 screaming roos and 3 little ladies :) One of the ladies is doing something like a head bob/shake, almost like she's falling asleep and then catching herself. No other birds are doing this. She is eating and drinking although I was afraid something was wrong with her crop because 2 days ago I went out in the morning (still dark) and it was very full and mushy and she was lethargic and didn't want to eat (obviously). I massaged the crop and felt some what I imagine were some pieces of hay (she was out foraging for the first time that day) and by the time I got home that night the crop was much smaller and I could feel individual layer pellets. The next morning the crop was empty. So the crop issue seems to be resolved and she is eating and drinking but she is doing the head thing. This is not wry neck but a pretty regular bob/shake and I have no idea what to do to help her out. I did give her a small amount of vitamin E and selenium when I first saw this just in case of wry neck but her condition has not changed. She is active and was moving around fine when I went out this morning.

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