head slammed by door help!!!

I'm glad that the chick is doing better!!! I refrained last night from making a bad joke about chickens getting concussions (you gotta have a brain before you can get a concussion...
), but I thought the better of it just in case she didn't recover.
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! Thank you so much for the link. I tried to research head injuries the night I hurt her and couldn't find anything like that. I think this is information everyone with silkies and cresteds needs to have. I had no idea their little heads were so fragile. I just want to put little helmets on all of them now. Sounds like they can be hurt in their carriers on the way to shows too. Yikes.
if your bird shows neurological symptoms or seems to be getting worse, then print out that article including the photos to get prednisone from a vet...it is really the only thing for the brain inflammation...(do not use aspirin or other NSAIDs)...only if it gets worse...hopefully it will do fine on the vitamin therapy alone. Do not expect it to go away within a short time span...often it will take a few weeks.
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I had a chicken that suffered a serious head injury (from another chicken). After the initial hit he rolled over and I for sure thought he was dead. I picked him up and took him on the deck. He couldnt see, but would react to touch and voice barely. I had to hand feed him. Rarely he would eat on his own. I took care of him with the hopes he would get better, but he never did. He never got worse either. He sat there like a lump, in the same place for a few weeks. He had suffered a major head injury, and obviously was not going to get better. To put it lightly we had to put him out of misery.

Since she is getting better, and as long as shes able to see and function on her own, then thats just wonderful!! She is just gonna be very spoiled after all the attention!!

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