Heartbeat in eggs


Free Ranging
6 Years
May 11, 2018
Northwest Indiana
Is there a more foolproof way to tell if your egg is going to make it than candling? My first experience incubating we had a hard time determining through the candling process and eggs that we thought might make it explained to us the phrase "last one in is a rotten egg"...more like last one out. I'd like to incubate again but our first time was rough because we had one born not fully developed. I realize candling wouldn't help in that case but it would definitely prevent the rotten egg smell
We've done that and not to diminish your comment because I do appreciate it I was hoping that possibly a heartbeat could be heard
Their heart beat is so tiny you couldn't hear it.
But, you could use the float test method. Fill a bowl with warm water so your eggs can float In it, let them sit for a sec, and you should be able to see moment.
If,,,, you decide to try the float test method, be very careful!
Eggs may have tiny tiny cracks in them, not normally a problem. But the water will find a way in, and they will drown.
I would recommend not to do it, but its up to you. Just know that the risk is there, and also it is not always very reliable.
Candling really is the best way, and the more you do it, the better at it you will become.
If,,,, you decide to try the float test method, be very careful!
Eggs may have tiny tiny cracks in them, not normally a problem. But the water will find a way in, and they will drown.
I would recommend not to do it, but its up to you. Just know that the risk is there, and also it is not always very reliable.
Candling really is the best way, and the more you do it, the better at it you will become.
That is a very good point. Thank you for adding that, it slipped my mind.. 😬
Yeah, I know its the sort of thing that is easily forgotten about!
I don't know just how high the risk is, but it is not something I am comfortable doing.
Right, I've done it a few times myself.
I checked for cracks before hand and everything went well. It was actually kinda cool.
Yeah, I know its the sort of thing that is easily forgotten about!
I don't know just how high the risk is, but it is not something I am comfortable doing.
I'd never heard of this but I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable with it either based on what you said. We have really bright flashlights but we could never seem to get a good visual when we candled. I knew what to look for but the only thing I really saw was the veining and then it just looked like black blobs. Never saw an eye or movement inside. All in all in our last attempt we incubated 9. 6 hatched but one was born underdeveloped so we ended up with 5.

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