It looks like your chickens are fully grown, fully feathered and not sharing a very large space. The most important thing for happy, healthy chickens in the winter is good ventilation. Yep, open that coop up and let that humid air out. There are a lot of good threads on here about wintering your chickens. Do some research to find what may work best for you. Where do you live? What are your winters like? Do you get much snow? How cold does it get? This is all good information that will help us help you if you'd like us to.
Yehaim here living in chicago by midway and i have two chicken they are in their coop but i always keep the door open so air is flowing they come oitside alot i give them my whole back yard to walk in but do u think the light should be turned on all night and all day?
That’s a good question, why is that light in there? If it is for heat, they don’t need it, turn it off day and night. If it is for egg production, you do not want it on 24/7. That can cause laying problems. They need some dark downtime just like we do.
If you leave it on full time, use a red bulb. It is not supposed to alter with their sleeping schedule. I would suggest not to use it at night, but if you must, use a red bulb.