Hello all.. I’m new here from Tennessee

Cheri VanM

In the Brooder
Dec 1, 2023
I have not been able to keep up or Post very much because I have so much going on right now with my daughter. Unfortunately, I have got to rehome my hens. I have 4 Jersey Giants, 4 Orpingtons, 2 Americana, 2 Leghorns, 2 cinnamon queens and 1 Isa brown. All are laying good strong eggs right now. Are are very friendly and will come running for treats. They are all free if someone would like to come get them. of course the best time is the evening when they have gone in for the evening and are roosting. please text me if your interested. i’m in Hartsville TN.
Welcome to the forums!!

I'm so sorry you have to rehome your hens. I'm already battling chicken math so I can't help right now, but doubtless you will find someone to treasure your ladies in short order.

There's a thread for Tennessee specifically; I'll try to grab a link and edit in a second.

Tennessee thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/tennessee.226276/page-382
That would be hard to have to rehome your chickens, but it is nice of you to gift them to someone! I hope everything is going okay with your daughter. Welcome to BackYard Chickens; even if you don't have a lot of time to post, we are here for you. Good luck rehoming them!

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