Hello everyone 😊 I'm Dee, excited to be here!


Jul 3, 2024
Hi, Im new to having chickens only having started in the beginning of March of this year. 6 Bantams were given to me by my dil, 4 hens and 2 roos (one hen and roo were grow outs)... in April my husband bought 8 assorted bantam chicks, 2 lavender orpington chicks, and 2 cuckoo maran chicks. Since then I have healed (what I think was a broken neck), an unknown illness, and am now dealing with what I think is fowl pox and a new injured (from being introduced wrong at my dil's coop and getting his head severely pecked) bearded roo that I took from her. Oh and also 3 of the older bantam hens went broody and i now have 5 chicks that are almost 4 weeks old, 4 that are 1 week old, and 4 that are 3 days old.So been quite busy and learning as I go (or trying to). There is a LOT of information out there and I get easily overwhelmed trying to figure out what is right/wrong. This site has been helpful so far and I wanted to join for when I have sorted all of my questions lol. Glad to be here 😊
Hi, Im new to having chickens only having started in the beginning of March of this year. 6 Bantams were given to me by my dil, 4 hens and 2 roos (one hen and roo were grow outs)... in April my husband bought 8 assorted bantam chicks, 2 lavender orpington chicks, and 2 cuckoo maran chicks. Since then I have healed (what I think was a broken neck), an unknown illness, and am now dealing with what I think is fowl pox and a new injured (from being introduced wrong at my dil's coop and getting his head severely pecked) bearded roo that I took from her. Oh and also 3 of the older bantam hens went broody and i now have 5 chicks that are almost 4 weeks old, 4 that are 1 week old, and 4 that are 3 days old.So been quite busy and learning as I go (or trying to). There is a LOT of information out there and I get easily overwhelmed trying to figure out what is right/wrong. This site has been helpful so far and I wanted to join for when I have sorted all of my questions lol. Glad to be here 😊
:welcome Dee! I'm sure you'll find very helpful information and enjoy your time here! We're glad to have you with us! :frow
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

I am sorry you have been having a rough time of it in your flock. :hugs There is definitely a learning curve and eventually you will settle in to a good routine with their care. I had a very rough start too, I nearly threw in the towel. Hang in there, it gets better. ♥️
😊 Thank you all very much. I also forgot to say that I'm in Southern Louisiana. I have a ton of pictures of my feathered family and their beautiful homes my husband built, but I'm not sure if (or where) I should post them.
We'd love to see photos here in your thread, however you can also start a journal thread in our Pictures and Stories of My Flock forum where you can add photos, share with others, etc... https://www.backyardchickens.com/forums/pictures-stories-of-my-chickens.39/
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

I am sorry you have been having a rough time of it in your flock. :hugs There is definitely a learning curve and eventually you will settle in to a good routine with their care. I had a very rough start too, I nearly threw in the towel. Hang in there, it gets better. ♥️
It hasnt been that bad all in all, all of them are still with me (thankfully) so I dont think Im doing too bad considering my lack of experience and having to search what could be wrong with them online as we dont have a vet here that deals with avians. Good for my chickens that Im an aries through and through... stubborn and I dont give up on any animal as long as its still breathing. My hen with the "broken neck" can vouch for that. She couldnt move anything, would just lay on her side. We made a makeshift neck brace for her with a toilet tissue roll and I fed and watered her every 2 hours for 2 weeks with a syringe until she could hold her head up enough (with help) to eat and drink somewhat on her own. Did muscle exercises with her legs every feeding. Today she is in the run and coop with my 12 grow outs running around ruling the roost (except for when it comes to the I guess "head roo") lol

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