Hello everyone i have been putting this off for some time and just lurking because im incredibly shy..

Little peeping

In the Brooder
Nov 2, 2024
So here it goes im painfully aware I know next to nothing about raising chickens, so a little background about me and mine for the longest it was just me and my recue willow who is six now and a small terrier mix then about a little over a year ago these two stray cats adopted me while we were in Florida for a visit see we lived in Tennessee at the time and just came to Florida for vacation so to speak, but this is when my other half came home from the auction with 13 mix breed chick's and 12 rabbits two of which were pregnant and nothing else not feed no cages,i was so unprepared, now I know what he thought he was gonna do with the rabbits but no clue what he was thinking about the baby chick's unless he thought they would distract me from the rabbits, well after over twenty years he should have known, better,anyway I'm happy to say a little over a year later I have thirty chickens and over twenty rabbits and we now live in Florida and visit Tennessee, iam so close to my chickens and especially the originals example I have this song I sing and they line up an start heading for bed,and my old man well i guess you could say he's a little jealous, but all is not rose colored glasses and things do go wrong and I love these guys as if they were my children,if I lose one I literally feel a part of me die ,so I'm always trying to learn everything I can so I can be a better parent to all my babies and I often feel overwhelmed and like I'm not doing enough, I just want to give them the best life possible, so as life would have i now have a pressing question my dog willow now thinks she is a chicken and well she wants to do everything they do which id endearing and trying, so she drank some of my girls Amoxy Tyl water and I'm wondering should I be worried I mean more worried, do I need to be taking her to the vet?plz forgive my rambling, and thank you to anyone who takes the time to answer I feel like I get so much wrong lately and I wouldn't forgive myself if I got this wrong until I found back yard chickens I had no idea where to go for answers, ideas,or experience so you are greatly appreciated thank you again
Thank you so much no matter how I posed the question on line I could not get an answer to save my life or hers for that matter,I called the vet no answer so I left a message,,and no reply, so bless you, you've saved me from my headach from becoming a migraine. Much appreciated
I pray one day I can return the favor. Thank you Little Peeping n Willow

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