Hello from East Texas

Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow

I'm so sorry what you are going through at the expense of a careless breeder. That nightmare is one many of us have feared. I switched from buying birds to buying hatching eggs from breeders around the U.S. I sterilize the eggs first just in case the eggs are bringing something with them. The only downfall to that is you get about 50% roosters so have to have a plan for those.

I really hope you get things squared away in some manner so you can lean back and enjoy your chickens. :hugs
Thank you. I acquired the pullets from a breeder in Laneville.
Mine came from the Tyler area. Sad to have so many selling diseased birds. It was my first time(& last) to add adults to my flock. I added 3 bantam hens in with my bantam rooster. No signs of illness at all. I had no idea until they hatched eggs 3 months later and I lost around 50% of the chicks before they matured. Its really heartbreaking.

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