Hello from East Texas

Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

I am so sorry you are dealing with these issues. Mycoplasmas are difficult to treat and leave the birds carriers for life. My flock was diagnosed with MS (Mycoplasma Synovea) at 8 months. I was just getting started with chickens and inspite of people suggesting I cull the entire flock, I chose to keep and treat them. It took nearly 3 months of antibiotic treatment to beat down the bacteria. It was expensive and traumatic on all involved. I didn't lose a single bird however during the course of cleaning them up. The problem with Mycoplasmas is they know how to hide in healthy cells going undetected by the immune system, which does leave the birds carriers for life, on the weaker side leaving more suseptable to odd issues during their lifetime. Some problems I was able to treat, others not so much. I moved the flock to a new coop, new grounds, I did add birds over the years, lost a few here and there however the disease never reared its ugly head as it first did originally. I don't regret keeping my original flock and many did live into their teens, some were lost at a few years in. This is a decision only you can make as to whether or not you keep them all or start over, I know its a tough position to be in. :hugs
I agree with @TwoCrows. I have IC in my flock and decided to treat. They are my family and I help them as much as I can. Culling is not an option for us.
Mine came from the Tyler area. Sad to have so many selling diseased birds. It was my first time(& last) to add adults to my flock. I added 3 bantam hens in with my bantam rooster. No signs of illness at all. I had no idea until they hatched eggs 3 months later and I lost around 50% of the chicks before they matured. It’s really heartbreaking.
The birds were just not eating, unhealthy etc. since the tests I sent to the lab was positive for Avian leukosis And i had had 2 die, I contacted the breeder, she reembursed my money and took the birds back.
The birds were just not eating, unhealthy etc. since the tests I sent to the lab was positive for Avian leukosis And i had had 2 die, I contacted the breeder, she reembursed my money and took the birds back.
So glad at the least she seems like an upright breeder that she'd refund you and take those birds back. I doubt she didn't know there was a risk they were diseased though. She should have known better in the first place.
So glad at the least she seems like an upright breeder that she'd refund you and take those birds back. I doubt she didn't know there was a risk they were diseased though. She should have known better in the first place.
She knew there was a problem as first thought was Mareks and she said several ppl had accused her of selling them birds with Mareks. I’m just the only one that bothered to test. But it wasn’t Mareks.
She knew there was a problem as first thought was Mareks and she said several ppl had accused her of selling them birds with Mareks. I’m just the only one that bothered to test. But it wasn’t Mareks.
Regardless of what it was, even if they had coccidiosis, you just don't sell sick or suspected sick birds! I wish people like that could get a fine for doing it especially in your case since you proved it; however, she did give you your money back and took the sick birds, but now you've got that disease wherever those birds were. I know sterilizing it at least can kill it though, but if it's in the dirt, not sure how one gets it out of there.

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