Lost Animal Mama
- May 12, 2020
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Hello Leah.Hi everyone!! My name is Leah and I’m an Animal care student from Ireland! Hoping to go into veterinary science or vet nursing when I graduate in a couple of months
I first got chickens about a year ago now, Ive currently got seven, all different breeds.
I love showing off my hens so..
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This is bagel! She’s a Cuckoo Maran and one of the first hens I got. She’s very clingy and if I ever sit down outside she’ll squawk until I put her on my lap. She lays these gorgeous dark speckled eggs.
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This is Bap, a bluebell hen! Another one of the firsts I got, she’s the top hen in the flock! We’ve had lovely warm weather lately so I’ve been eating my lunch outside and she loves to steal my food.
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This is Baguette, a Goldilocks hen and she’s a menace. She’s not allowed anywhere NEAR my face bc last time she nearly ripped my piercings out. Love her tho ig
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This is pudding, a silkie hen. I’m in the process of trying to get her used to being handled because she’s very scared of me. I’m making progress though, I’m trying to pick her up every day and hand feed her. Hardest part is actually picking her up though.
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This is Rye, I was told she was a cream legbar but uhh.. anyways..
she does still lay lovely green eggs though so it’s worth it. She’s the resident bully and will sacrifice anyone for food.
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This gorgeous girl is Crumb, an ex-battery hen. She was in an awful state when I got her, literally no feathers, but she’s doing so well now!
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Last but not least is my personal favourite, Dumpling. She’s a buff orpington! She’s very large and in charge, and full of personality. She currently has scaly leg mites and is inside for a foot bath and treatment, and she absolutely loves it lol. She was cuddling on the couch with me and one of my dogs.
I’ve just realised how LONGG this post is, I just love talking about my animalsI do it with my college assignments too, I did a behavioural study on my girls and all.
As well as my hens, I’ve got two dogs and a cat who get on very well with the chickens!
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(From left to right) This is Carrie, Casper and Bruno.
As you can see they all get along very well! Thankfully the two dogs weren’t hard to train with the chickens, but they’re never out with them unsupervised.
I absolutely adore animals, and Ive Done internships at vet clinics and wildlife rehabs. I’m not sure what exactly I want to do, but definitely something animal related like vet science, just not sure if I want to work with small or large animals yet!
I joined BYC originally a while ago when I had an emergency with one of my hens that passed away, then didn’t rly use it for a while, but after seeing how involved this community is I said I’d give it a try!
Sorry for yapping so much lol!
If you read all this, thank you!
Looking forward to interacting with everyone on BYC!
It was a real pleasure reading your introduction and seeing all your lovely animals.
Thank you for sharing these lovely pictures and gracing us with your presence here