Hello from Kansas City


In the Brooder
Sep 10, 2024
Hi there from just south of Kansas City proper. My husband and kids have been keeping chickens for 2 years now and we’ve expanded this year to ducks and turkeys. We have a little of every kind of breed (about 40 chickens in all, plus 2 turkeys, 20 ducks, 5 dogs, and 1 cat)…basically my goal is a colorful basket full of eggs from our small farm. I have a brain tumor and some other health issues, so chickens are really my therapy.

Thanks for letting me share a little about me and my family.
HI I'm Sean from Micronesia and have recently purchased a Brinsea 56EX Ovation. I have my first batch of eggs and we are at 19 days. Have unbridled my eggs and increased the humidity to 67% however the humidity has not moved over past 5 hours. Am not sure if its still building from when the lid was off for the uncradling or whether I have done something wrong. The set temp is definitely 67% but the display shows 45% with PO flashing beside it. are you able to help please
HI I'm Sean from Micronesia and have recently purchased a Brinsea 56EX Ovation. I have my first batch of eggs and we are at 19 days. Have unbridled my eggs and increased the humidity to 67% however the humidity has not moved over past 5 hours. Am not sure if its still building from when the lid was off for the uncradling or whether I have done something wrong. The set temp is definitely 67% but the display shows 45% with PO flashing beside it. are you able to help please
Hello, Sean! Good luck with your hatch! I would repost your question in this section: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forums/incubating-hatching-eggs.5/

(Follow the link and click on "post thread".)

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