Hello Everyone,
I first got my chickens in late March of 2023, and we keep adding every year, lol (chicken math). We have about 65 chickens at the moment. We have a mix or White Leghorn's, Blue Plymouth Tints, Easter Egger's, Welbar, Cream Legbar, a few silkies and bantams. This year we are getting some more White Leghorns, and a few American Bresse and one Ayam Cemani Roo (we want to make zombies), from Mt Healthy. We got an order coming in the second week of march of about 160 chicks total, a bunch of us got together for an order. I got the Blue Plymouth Tints form Privett before they were Hoovers, they are about a year old. That is Rooroo with some of his Blue Plymouth Tint hens and others in the picture. He is a good boy a keeper for sure.
I first got my chickens in late March of 2023, and we keep adding every year, lol (chicken math). We have about 65 chickens at the moment. We have a mix or White Leghorn's, Blue Plymouth Tints, Easter Egger's, Welbar, Cream Legbar, a few silkies and bantams. This year we are getting some more White Leghorns, and a few American Bresse and one Ayam Cemani Roo (we want to make zombies), from Mt Healthy. We got an order coming in the second week of march of about 160 chicks total, a bunch of us got together for an order. I got the Blue Plymouth Tints form Privett before they were Hoovers, they are about a year old. That is Rooroo with some of his Blue Plymouth Tint hens and others in the picture. He is a good boy a keeper for sure.