Hello from sunny Florida


In the Brooder
Mar 7, 2025
Just joined...running a small homestead in the Florida panhandle.
Added chickens about 3 years ago, started with 4 hens....numbers have fluctuated through the years.
A few sicknesses, a vulture attack, and a fox attack through the last few years...currently have about 7 hens and 2 roosters but will be adding many more.

Upgraded and upsized the coop about two years ago, currently converting a shed to a full blown coop to reclaim some garden space.
I don't know much about chickens and my wife does most of the work, I mostly enjoy eating the eggs every day, but I am hoping to learn and contribute more to family farm.
We have orpingtons, copper marans, olive eggers, and a few that lay blue eggs that I am not sure the breed.

Other hobbies include music, martial arts, working out, and marksmanship....


Hello, it's nice to meet you! Make yourself at home here and if you ever have questions, always feel free to post.

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