Hello from the Land of Enchantment

Hello, hello! I'm in SE Missouri now, have been for 14 years, but (shh, don't tell!), will always consider NW New Mexico my true home! It's where I raised my family, I lived there 30+ years, and it's where I had my first batch of chickens, a lifetime or two ago! May I recommend Easter Eggers? You'll get your colored eggs, and they are cold and heat hardy and a lot cheaper than purebred Ameraucanas. (Beware birds with names that sound like Ameraucana but spelled differently, they're really only Easter Eggers!) Welcome to BYC, we're so glad you joined! Wave at Taos or Santa Fe for me next time you're in the area! ❤️
Thank you all for the warm welcome!
My brain is tired from days of chicken breed research and coops etc.
Truly, I think I am nailing it down to a mix of the true Ameracauna, Olive easer eggers, and maybe a Dominique. I love the black Ameracauna. I was looking at the Murray McMurray site, then found My Pet Chicken for the true Ameracauna. Ultimately, I really, really need them to do a job for me in addition to the eggs. My husband keeps going on about eggs and I keep going on and on about my future garden helpers.

We have ordered the Chick Lift for a chicken tractor plan. Yesterday taking a deep look at the Eglu coop. I think I have my husband convinced that we can buy that and work it in with the tractor. It just seems perfect for someone who doesn't want to hassle with building a complicated wooden coop, and the cleaning looks really easy, and we can always wheel it up on the back patio (or garage) during really rough weather. Plus, it is 15% off right now. The greenhouse will be reskinned as garden shed/shop. It was polycarbonate and hail ruined it last summer.

@Tookie I was originally raised in west Texas but we have family in Las Vegas and Farmington, NM. We are in Clovis. Our son went to NMMI in Roswell for high school. Spent all my summers in Las Vegas and hiking Hermits Peak. New Mexico is my heart state. It suits our laid back chill lifestyle. We have been here going on 9 years.

Thank you for condolences on our family. You never know what life will bring you. No one is immune from heartache. But I can say, our garden, our dogs, and our love for each other has pulled us through. I don't want to be anywhere else but outside piddling around in on our property...or at the gym. I always say, leave garden dirt under my fingernails when I meet my maker, the ultimate gardener.
Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow

I too send my deepest condolences. How heartwrenching. :hugs

I am another that has gotten through grief via my hubby and pets, including chickens.

I have to add that this...
I couldn't sell a glass of cold water to a dying man in Death Valley.
...totally cracked me up. :gig I've never heard that saying before.

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