Hello! I usually just browse for info...

Thank you all!!
Sorry for not quoting everyone in my responses, but I am on mobile and it isn't the most friendly for long multiquoting... I will say, it has been ages since I've been active on a forum of any kind, and the quote button is a dream! So much copy/paste and bbcode before....

Sorry, I can't help with breed ID but I'd imagine it would go for a better price if it was purebred :confused:

You will get responses 24/7 here on BYC. Some are insomniacs in the States / Canada and then there's peeps from all over the world :)
No worries, thank you! They were dispersing their flock due to selling the property and so the price was very reasonable. :) The only thing was the owner had to leave and left a friend there to assist me when I arrived. They didn't have as much info on the flock. Oh well.
I didn't really think about the global part too much, but that's great, makes for a diverse community! I work second shift, so my hours are wonky.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
I think your new girl is a black sex link but I'm not great with breeds. You should go ahead and post her on the Breed & Gender forum for a better opinion!
Cool, thank you! That was the other one I was wondering about, but wishful thinking and all! I will do so after I get some better pics today. :)
Welcome to Backyard Chickens!:welcomeWe are glad you joined the flock! BYC is a helpful site providing all of the information you need to know about poultry! There is always space for more members on the BYC roost!:highfive:
On another note, I know there is a separate forum for this, but figure why not throw it in here:

Any ideas on this birdie here? I picked it up for $5 today, drawing a complete blank at the time of what it reminded me of, but now I'm wondering if it's a black copper marans?? If so, that's exciting! :D
Definitely a Black Copper Maran, looks exactly like mine!
Hope you enjoy it here as much as we all do!
Don’t forget to check out Learning Center articles some great reads if have not already. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.


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No worries :) I hate using the phone for typing. Post pics here for the best advice - https://www.backyardchickens.com/forums/what-breed-or-gender-is-this.15/
It is so tedious.... :hmm Thanks so much! Will do!
Welcome to Backyard Chickens!:welcomeWe are glad you joined the flock! BYC is a helpful site providing all of the information you need to know about poultry! There is always space for more members on the BYC roost!:highfive:

Definitely a Black Copper Maran, looks exactly like mine!
Hope you enjoy it here as much as we all do!
Thank you for the welcome! I have found so much useful info on here so far, it is great!
Oh, thank you! I do hope you're right. I was wanting to add a couple in the spring (not doing winter chicks, nuhuh). So that would be great if so! The feathered shanks were what made me hopeful. But they had cochins, silkies, polish, various frizzles, quail, peafowl, and pheasants all in the sale area. So, it could be just some strange mutt, too. I don't have a clue what had already been sold, either! :he Real answer will come if/when it starts laying! (Crossing fingers for a pullet, of course, but who knows! XD)
Eastern Canada welcomes you to BYC, my Granddaughter and I are new to chickens this year as well.
I see you are located in Iowa. I travelled to north west Iowa 5 times over the years to pheasant hunt with friends. Iowa is a beautiful state with great people.
Thank you so much! Are you enjoying your foray with them? I imagine wint winter upon us, it will be more of an adventure for you! I cannot say I've been to Canada, but through the web I've made several friends there over the years, and they've all been wonderful folks! :D
Don’t forget to check out Learning Center articles some great reads if have not already. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
Yes, I agree! I have perused them from time to time. So helpful! Thank you!!

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