Hey everyone I am raising chickens in a tote in my garage and will eventually transfer to a coop when the weather gets warmer. Glad to be here and learn and meet other chicken people!
That tote will not hold many chicks and not for very long. And you should use a brooder plate instead of a heat lamp with it to prevent overheating the chicks.
I would get the coop built ASAP.
I take it you already have a coop? If not, head over to our Articles tab where you'll see the Learning Center and Coops. Maybe something there will catch your eye!
Howdy from the Show-Me state! We usually raise our chicks in a tote for about three weeks, then move them to an outside brooder as they outgrow the tote and frankly get too messy and stinky for the house. Enjoy your chicken journey, they sure are fun!
Thanks for joining! Just be real careful with that heat lamp! As @DobieLover suggested, if you can get a brooder plate it is much safer (for the chicks and fire-hazard-wise). I would make sure it is double-secured and check on it frequently. Make sure there's nothing in your garage (cats, etc.) that can knock it loose, and maybe use extra spring clamps to secure it. (I know you probably don't leave an open brooder of chicks with cats, but you never know...)
It looks like you got some nice chicks! Welcome to BackYard Chickens!