

In the Brooder
Jul 18, 2022
I am a city girl trying to raise chickens for eggs, and maybe meat down the road. I have 4 Dominques, 3 hens and a rooster, all about a year and half old. I also have 7 four month old barred rocks. they share a run but are divided by fence and each group has their own coop. I have some questions, are the young ones old enough to tell hens from cocks? How do I go about it? Also they have been sharing a run, when can i put them all together? Looking forward to gathering information so this journey will be pleasant for the chickens and I.
Welcome to BYC.
They are definitely old enough to pick out the cockerels. I'm assuming you have all pullets, since you haven't noticed any male behavior.
As far as integration, you are doing it right. Just add some hiding places, if you don't already have some. Take down the devider and supervise for a while. They will probably still want to sleep in the seperate coops.
Welcome to BYC.
They are definitely old enough to pick out the cockerels. I'm assuming you have all pullets, since you haven't noticed any male behavior.
As far as integration, you are doing it right. Just add some hiding places, if you don't already have some. Take down the devider and supervise for a while. They will probably still want to sleep in the seperate coops.
Thanks for the answer and the tips.

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