
We've had several different breeds over the years trying to find the best fit. The first year we had black sex link and leg horns. We lost two of the sex link to heat exhaustion, too hot and humid for them here that year. Leg horns are a little flighty for my tastes, although good layers. I've also had silkies and a bantam (she was my favorite). We have a lot of predators here so have lost almost all to them over the years. We protect from one thing, then something else gets them. Foxes, feral tomcat, hawks, owls, and raccons.
So sorry you lost a couple of birds. :hugs Yes some Leghorns can be a bit skittish but they are good on the laying. If the predators get to be too much, you might keep them in a large run. I can't free range unless I supervise, so they spend time in the run when I am not available to watch, the predators run amok in my territory too. :D Enjoy your flock!
So sorry you lost a couple of birds. :hugs Yes some Leghorns can be a bit skittish but they are good on the laying. If the predators get to be too much, you might keep them in a large run. I can't free range unless I supervise, so they spend time in the run when I am not available to watch, the predators run amok in my territory too. :D Enjoy your flock!
They were in a run last year, but the hawk just swooped in. That's why we got the geese this year. The dogs help, but they aren't outside dogs.
They were in a run last year, but the hawk just swooped in. That's why we got the geese this year. The dogs help, but they aren't outside dogs.
Sounds like you need a roof on your run! :D I had a Red-tailed Hawk drive right onto the hardware cloth on the side of my run, I was standing right there, the hawk just hung there for a few seconds! :eek: It saw chicks and got so focused, it didn't see me or the hardware cloth. Babies scattered like mice. :lol: Pretty hawk though! :D
Sounds like you need a roof on your run! :D I had a Red-tailed Hawk drive right onto the hardware cloth on the side of my run, I was standing right there, the hawk just hung there for a few seconds! :eek: It saw chicks and got so focused, it didn't see me or the hardware cloth. Babies scattered like mice. :lol: Pretty hawk though! :D
My dad mentioned something about putting a bunch of old cd's in a line. The flash will scare them. Summer time the hawks stay away because of all the trees being leafed out. Once the leaves fall they come back. They need to eat the chipmunks and leave my chickens alone.
My dad mentioned something about putting a bunch of old cd's in a line. The flash will scare them. Summer time the hawks stay away because of all the trees being leafed out. Once the leaves fall they come back. They need to eat the chipmunks and leave my chickens alone.
CDs can help but sometimes hawks ignore them. I used nylon poultry netting over my garden area where Hawks were hunting my birds. It's fairly cheap and easy to install.

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