
Her name is Ten. The chicks arrived via mail from My Pet Chicken. I opened the box, carefully picking each chick out and dipping their beaks in water. (I purchased ten) They are all in the brooder and I started counting. There were only nine. I counted again, still nine. Looked in the box, nope. Then I removed the nesting material. In the corner was a little chic. Omgosh I thought this one isn’t going to make it. I quickly went into action. dipping her beak several times and then placed her under the ceramic warmer. Her sisters and brothers covered here with their bodies. I came out several times that day checking on her. I pulled her out dipped and finally she was drinking on her own. So, she deserves a better name. Let’s face it they all look alike at this stage so Ten stuck. She is my Most precious girl. If I say, “Ten where are you”, she comes running. Now they all have names. Some are lighter, some darker. My husband and son say, they all look alike. I can tell most of them apart. Next I’ll tell you about the Sanderson Sisters, that’s a wink at the movie “Hocus Pocus”.
Have a blessed day friends.
Her name is Ten. The chicks arrived via mail from My Pet Chicken. I opened the box, carefully picking each chick out and dipping their beaks in water. (I purchased ten) They are all in the brooder and I started counting. There were only nine. I counted again, still nine. Looked in the box, nope. Then I removed the nesting material. In the corner was a little chic. Omgosh I thought this one isn’t going to make it. I quickly went into action. dipping her beak several times and then placed her under the ceramic warmer. Her sisters and brothers covered here with their bodies. I came out several times that day checking on her. I pulled her out dipped and finally she was drinking on her own. So, she deserves a better name. Let’s face it they all look alike at this stage so Ten stuck. She is my Most precious girl. If I say, “Ten where are you”, she comes running. Now they all have names. Some are lighter, some darker. My husband and son say, they all look alike. I can tell most of them apart. Next I’ll tell you about the Sanderson Sisters, that’s a wink at the movie “Hocus Pocus”.
Have a blessed day friends.

What a close call that was to missing out on her! Her name is perfect ❤️

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