
So I went a little ham and got an assortment... whether on not that is a good idea only time will tell. I ordered the babies from Meyer. I knew I wanted a Buff Orpington and Rhode Island Red so I got one of each of those. I also knew I wanted a colorful basket of eggs so we went with: an olive egger, a black ameraucana, black australorp, splash ameraucana, green queen, frizzle easter egger, welsummer, and a salmon faverolles.

I did my best to make sure they were all good temperaments and weather appropriate for my location. So fingers crossed it all goes well!
So I went a little ham and got an assortment... whether on not that is a good idea only time will tell. I ordered the babies from Meyer. I knew I wanted a Buff Orpington and Rhode Island Red so I got one of each of those. I also knew I wanted a colorful basket of eggs so we went with: an olive egger, a black ameraucana, black australorp, splash ameraucana, green queen, frizzle easter egger, welsummer, and a salmon faverolles.

I did my best to make sure they were all good temperaments and weather appropriate for my location. So fingers crossed it all goes well!
You did well! Be sure to post a picture when you get them! :jumpy :)

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