
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.

Have you checked your local CL and FB Poultry Groups for swaps?
Ya, Im in a city with a population of 70 people. LOL I know I will probably have to travel a ways to find some. There is no CL out here and FB is very sparse for my area. When I lived in Washington we had poultry auctions but that doesnt seem to be a thing out here in Arkansas? I am thinking maybe due to bird flu?
Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow

Honestly, I quit going to swaps. I love them so much but I'm scared of bringing back something to my flock so I stopped over a year ago. Now I usually just buy hatching eggs and sterilize them first before incubating.

I'd still check Facebook poultry groups for your state/area though and see if someone has what you're looking for. That's where I usually peddle my chicks/chickens.

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