

In the Brooder
Mar 14, 2025
Im a new member looking forward to learning more and chatting about chickens!! i have an established flock of 50 chickens mostly Easter Egger chickens but i also have some Black Copper Marans, a Ayam Cemani pair, and currently have Fibrocanas in the incubator set to hatch the 19th!! I would love to add some Blue and Black Amerucanas and some Ayam Ketawa to my flock!!
I just recently came across someone that's within a 2hr drive for the Ayam Ketawa using local chicken groups on facebook im actually picking up some hatching eggs this weekend!! I've had no luck locating actual Amerucanas though everyone that has said they have them have turned out to be Americanas which I love I have mostly eater eggers in my flock but I'd like to have blue and black Amerucanas cause I find them to be really pretty and need a for sure dominate blue gene in my flock. I'd like to be able to raise and hatch true Amerucanas for myself and others that are also looking for them in my area. Also want to be able to hatch my own hybrid Fibrocanas using my cemani roo with the Amerucanas I can order from a hatchery but would rather purchase from a local breeder if possible

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