Help, 2 chickens with a swollen abdomen and bumble foot. Any ideas?


Dec 22, 2024
I’ve got a Sussex mix called raven (the fat black one) and a isa brown mix called peanutbutter (the less fat brown one) that we hatched at home from our other choocks eggs. They are both are about 2 years old now. I noticed the bumble foot and swollen abdomen when I was treating for mites. They’re butts feel like water balloons. They eat red hen layer mix and are free range. They’ve hid they’re illness pretty well but peanutbutter has been keeping to herself less (she’s usually pecking you constantly, it’s her you want to look out for not sooty, our rooster). A chicken breeder that we got some eggs from said she’s had problems with fatty livers in her chickens from feeding her chickens a mix like I do. I’ve heard of that causing fluid in the abdomen so I’m going to wean them off the mix and give them pellets instead. Raven feels fat as ever and peanutbutter isn’t that heavy, but she’s heavy for an isa. I’ve heard a lot of ways to treat bumble foot and I’m a little unclear on which one to use for the stage that it’s at now. I’ll add some pictures at the bottom. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Just found apple, my isa brown mix, panting in the nesting boxes. She had the same fat belly, wasn’t as severe though. I’m wondering if maybe they’re egg bound. It seems kinda strange that they all have it at the same time. Do worms cause this? Again maybe they’re fat from the sunflower seeds in they’re feed. Do worms cause this? I’ll treat for egg bound with a deep epsom salt bath. Again any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Just found apple, my isa brown mix, panting in the nesting boxes. She had the same fat belly, wasn’t as severe though. I’m wondering if maybe they’re egg bound. It seems kinda strange that they all have it at the same time. Do worms cause this? Again maybe they’re fat from the sunflower seeds in they’re feed. Do worms cause this? I’ll treat for egg bound with a deep epsom salt bath. Again any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I was thinking egg bound while reading your initial post. Have they been dehydrated at all by the warm weather lately ?

Symptoms of Egg Binding​

An egg bound chicken will be in a great deal of discomfort. Look for these egg bound chicken symptoms:

  • Repeated Entry into the Nest Box
  • Squawks in Distress on Nest
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Stops Drinking
  • Appears Lethargic or Droopy
  • Shaky Wings
  • Waddling, or Walking like a Penguin
  • Droopy or Pale Comb and Wattle

If it is egg binding it needs to be treated in a rather timely manner, so it would be best to jump on Youtube and search 'egg bound chicken treatment' for a step by step guide rather than waiting on responses.

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