Help! 22 week old Black Sexlink? Pullet Injured? Sick?

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The lump on the beak is interesting along with the scab near the ear. I don't see many scabs or lesions on the comb, but I'd almost say she has Fowl Pox. @Eggcessive can you weigh in?
Paint the scabs and nostril lesion with Iodine to help dry them up.

Work on hydration. Electrolytes are fine, but she does need plain water. Wet mushy feed.

I'd re-look inside the ears for any infection. Will she open her eyes? Any pus or material in the eyes?
I didn't see anything amiss that I could tell in her ear holes. No redness or puss. Yes, she opens them off & on. Her eyes are clear & no puss or drainage. Yeah, I'm filling her crop with sugar water & letting her rest in her cage 3 times a day at least until I know what else to try. I'll have to run to town to get iodine.. I don't have any handy presently. Let me see if I can get the video to upload.
Her beak does look like the things that Wyorp Rock mentioned, fowl pox, papilloma virus, injury from poking through fencing. The head bobbing could be neurological from a head injury. Sometimes using human vitamin E 400 IU plus some human vitamin B complex 1/4 tablet daily for thiamine can help. I would offer the best thing for her, some wet and dry chicken feed and water. Egg is okay in small amounts and provides selenium.
Thank yall for the input! I've pulled in the house in a dog crate so I can keep her separated from other cages of new momma & chicks & keep them away from the regular flock!! All while running a generator lol.. here's hoping they get power back up soon for loads of folks here in Texas.
So, I found another pullet this morning with a white lesion on her eye & that eye closed.. I am thinking it is fowl pox after all.. I put her in the same cage as the black hen & will be watching the rest. She's more active than the black hen but her wings are drooping & I can tell she's feeling off. Their both in the cage inside the house with ac (yay!! We finally got power back on today) to reduce any extra stress from the heat. I'll be pumping with fluids, vitamins & wet chick starter

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