Hi all, long time chicken keeper and BYC forums and articles have helped me save countless chickens over the years.
I have a black sex-linked hybrid chicken who is an older lady, about 8 at this point. For the last 3 weeks she has had almost completely clear, very watery diarrhea. Prior to this she always had fecal that was more on the wet side, for a year or so that would result in dirty pants, but otherwise she has always been very active, healthy weight, etc.
She is getting down to bones now and nothing I have done in the last couple weeks has fixed it. At first I treated whole flock with corid because her diarrhea was a little green. No change.
Then I thought maybe it was worms, dosed with safeguard. Second dose should be in the next couple days. No change.
I came out one morning and thought her crop felt a little doughy/inflated so I offered only acidified copper sulfate in her water for 5 days. No change.
I fed her some rice and buttermilk the first day I crated her. She ate it and no change. She’s had an appetite and is interested in eating especially if the feed is watered down a bit.
I then deduced there must be some kind of crop issue because she just isn’t passing solids and it feels fuller and hard sometimes in the morning when I know if should be empty. It’s not impacted because it’s malleable, but it’s seems to transition between doughy and inflated. So I thought maybe there is a yeast infection. I started her on 2x day dose of miconazole 2% (both acs and miconazole have worked for me with crop issues in the past). We are at the start of day 5. No change.
I now have probiotics in her water (I know this may be counter intuitive since the yeast treatment) because I feel like I must have done a number on her system with all these different treatments. The other hens are totally fine, no fecal change, no behavior change. So I don’t think it’s anything contagious.
What am I missing? Could it be a bacteria? I have tylan 50 but I don’t want to knock her system even more if there isn’t a plausible bacteria she might have causing this. I have no idea what’s wrong.
Again, energy levels normal. Interested in eating, but now a very skinny hen and poo is almost entirely clear water like with a small amount of white urates (sometimes). She has also had some normal cecals a few times in the last few days. Everything else abnormal.
Any ideas on what could be going on???? Help!
I have a black sex-linked hybrid chicken who is an older lady, about 8 at this point. For the last 3 weeks she has had almost completely clear, very watery diarrhea. Prior to this she always had fecal that was more on the wet side, for a year or so that would result in dirty pants, but otherwise she has always been very active, healthy weight, etc.
She is getting down to bones now and nothing I have done in the last couple weeks has fixed it. At first I treated whole flock with corid because her diarrhea was a little green. No change.
Then I thought maybe it was worms, dosed with safeguard. Second dose should be in the next couple days. No change.
I came out one morning and thought her crop felt a little doughy/inflated so I offered only acidified copper sulfate in her water for 5 days. No change.
I fed her some rice and buttermilk the first day I crated her. She ate it and no change. She’s had an appetite and is interested in eating especially if the feed is watered down a bit.
I then deduced there must be some kind of crop issue because she just isn’t passing solids and it feels fuller and hard sometimes in the morning when I know if should be empty. It’s not impacted because it’s malleable, but it’s seems to transition between doughy and inflated. So I thought maybe there is a yeast infection. I started her on 2x day dose of miconazole 2% (both acs and miconazole have worked for me with crop issues in the past). We are at the start of day 5. No change.
I now have probiotics in her water (I know this may be counter intuitive since the yeast treatment) because I feel like I must have done a number on her system with all these different treatments. The other hens are totally fine, no fecal change, no behavior change. So I don’t think it’s anything contagious.
What am I missing? Could it be a bacteria? I have tylan 50 but I don’t want to knock her system even more if there isn’t a plausible bacteria she might have causing this. I have no idea what’s wrong.
Again, energy levels normal. Interested in eating, but now a very skinny hen and poo is almost entirely clear water like with a small amount of white urates (sometimes). She has also had some normal cecals a few times in the last few days. Everything else abnormal.
Any ideas on what could be going on???? Help!