
6 Years
Sep 7, 2018
Hi all, long time chicken keeper and BYC forums and articles have helped me save countless chickens over the years.

I have a black sex-linked hybrid chicken who is an older lady, about 8 at this point. For the last 3 weeks she has had almost completely clear, very watery diarrhea. Prior to this she always had fecal that was more on the wet side, for a year or so that would result in dirty pants, but otherwise she has always been very active, healthy weight, etc.

She is getting down to bones now and nothing I have done in the last couple weeks has fixed it. At first I treated whole flock with corid because her diarrhea was a little green. No change.

Then I thought maybe it was worms, dosed with safeguard. Second dose should be in the next couple days. No change.

I came out one morning and thought her crop felt a little doughy/inflated so I offered only acidified copper sulfate in her water for 5 days. No change.

I fed her some rice and buttermilk the first day I crated her. She ate it and no change. She’s had an appetite and is interested in eating especially if the feed is watered down a bit.

I then deduced there must be some kind of crop issue because she just isn’t passing solids and it feels fuller and hard sometimes in the morning when I know if should be empty. It’s not impacted because it’s malleable, but it’s seems to transition between doughy and inflated. So I thought maybe there is a yeast infection. I started her on 2x day dose of miconazole 2% (both acs and miconazole have worked for me with crop issues in the past). We are at the start of day 5. No change.

I now have probiotics in her water (I know this may be counter intuitive since the yeast treatment) because I feel like I must have done a number on her system with all these different treatments. The other hens are totally fine, no fecal change, no behavior change. So I don’t think it’s anything contagious.

What am I missing? Could it be a bacteria? I have tylan 50 but I don’t want to knock her system even more if there isn’t a plausible bacteria she might have causing this. I have no idea what’s wrong.

Again, energy levels normal. Interested in eating, but now a very skinny hen and poo is almost entirely clear water like with a small amount of white urates (sometimes). She has also had some normal cecals a few times in the last few days. Everything else abnormal.

Any ideas on what could be going on???? Help!
She is getting pretty old. They can have problems with reproductive disorders or cancer, even water belly. Crop problems can be due to pressure inside the abdomen from the above problems, worms, or from hard to digest foods. I definitely would use probiotics on her. Chilled coconut oil cut into small pieces is very good to offer, and then massage the crop several times a day to break up the mass. Mineral oil can also be used, in a little cooked egg for food. Colase stool softener is a third type of crop treatment. Recheck her crop every morning to see if it starts to empty. Providing plenty of water is important to break up the impaction. Azygous is very good with crop problems and her article is helpful:
Hi all, long time chicken keeper and BYC forums and articles have helped me save countless chickens over the years.

I have a black sex-linked hybrid chicken who is an older lady, about 8 at this point. For the last 3 weeks she has had almost completely clear, very watery diarrhea. Prior to this she always had fecal that was more on the wet side, for a year or so that would result in dirty pants, but otherwise she has always been very active, healthy weight, etc.

She is getting down to bones now and nothing I have done in the last couple weeks has fixed it. At first I treated whole flock with corid because her diarrhea was a little green. No change.

Then I thought maybe it was worms, dosed with safeguard. Second dose should be in the next couple days. No change.

I came out one morning and thought her crop felt a little doughy/inflated so I offered only acidified copper sulfate in her water for 5 days. No change.

I fed her some rice and buttermilk the first day I crated her. She ate it and no change. She’s had an appetite and is interested in eating especially if the feed is watered down a bit.

I then deduced there must be some kind of crop issue because she just isn’t passing solids and it feels fuller and hard sometimes in the morning when I know if should be empty. It’s not impacted because it’s malleable, but it’s seems to transition between doughy and inflated. So I thought maybe there is a yeast infection. I started her on 2x day dose of miconazole 2% (both acs and miconazole have worked for me with crop issues in the past). We are at the start of day 5. No change.

I now have probiotics in her water (I know this may be counter intuitive since the yeast treatment) because I feel like I must have done a number on her system with all these different treatments. The other hens are totally fine, no fecal change, no behavior change. So I don’t think it’s anything contagious.

What am I missing? Could it be a bacteria? I have tylan 50 but I don’t want to knock her system even more if there isn’t a plausible bacteria she might have causing this. I have no idea what’s wrong.

Again, energy levels normal. Interested in eating, but now a very skinny hen and poo is almost entirely clear water like with a small amount of white urates (sometimes). She has also had some normal cecals a few times in the last few days. Everything else abnormal.

Any ideas on what could be going on???? Help!
@Eggcessive any thoughts?
She is getting pretty old. They can have problems with reproductive disorders or cancer, even water belly. Crop problems can be due to pressure inside the abdomen from the above problems, worms, or from hard to digest foods. I definitely would use probiotics on her. Chilled coconut oil cut into small pieces is very good to offer, and then massage the crop several times a day to break up the mass. Mineral oil can also be used, in a little cooked egg for food. Colase stool softener is a third type of crop treatment. Recheck her crop every morning to see if it starts to empty. Providing plenty of water is important to break up the impaction. Azygous is very good with crop problems and her article is helpful:

She is getting pretty old. They can have problems with reproductive disorders or cancer, even water belly. Crop problems can be due to pressure inside the abdomen from the above problems, worms, or from hard to digest foods. I definitely would use probiotics on her. Chilled coconut oil cut into small pieces is very good to offer, and then massage the crop several times a day to break up the mass. Mineral oil can also be used, in a little cooked egg for food. Colase stool softener is a third type of crop treatment. Recheck her crop every morning to see if it starts to empty. Providing plenty of water is important to break up the impaction. Azygous is very good with crop problems and her article is helpful:
Thank you! I do have probiotics in her water and I’m mixing baby bird feed in with her regular feed for an extra nutrient boost. I’ll try the coconut oil and more consistent massaging of the crop. I know she’s getting old and it’s possible it’s related to that it just seemed to change pretty dramatically so I assumed it was something specific.
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Let us know how she gets along. The weight loss is concerning, and could be due to the crop problem, or something worse such as cancer.
Just an update I still have her crated with probiotics in water. I’ve also made a mix of her regular feed and exaco baby bird feed heavily mixed with probiotic water for her to eat. I figure the more liquidy it will help her eat/digest/stay hydrated in the process. She is interested in food and eating. Not listless, not lethargic. She is still acting totally normal minus the diarrhea and slow crop. She has had some poops in the last 24 hours that have a bit more color to them than just clear liquid and urates so that’s good, but not much improvement. Still mostly just liquid coming out of there.

I am doing coconut oil and crop massages through out the day. I am on day 5 of the miconazole for possible sour crop/doughy crop/yeast but it hasn’t changed much. I was reading about possible gut or reproductive inflammation and thinking my next move is a 5 day dose of Tylan. That’s the antibiotic I have on hand. Would the tylan and remaining day or two of miconazole have any negative interaction?
I would not use an antibiotic while she is having crop problems. Worming is good, crop massage unless it gets squishy/puffy, yeast or anti-fungal cream, but antibiotics can lead to more problems unless the crop issue is bacterial. To know that you would need to deal with a vet who could do testing. Some vets may use an antibiotic then also give an antifungal. Tylan is not so much for. Crop problem, as it is used for respiratory diseases and enteritis. I haven’t had much success treating crop problems, as they have been in older hens with reproductive issues. Azygous is a better person to ask.

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