Help A Newbe!


11 Years
Apr 13, 2008
Okay I bought a straight run but the guy at the TSC assured me that they were all female. I had actually went for a rooster originally but fell in love with these and ordered my rooster from a local feed store. Well I was just wondering on the black austraporps when you will be able to tell the difference and how. They are only a couple of weeks old now, so just wondering what to look for.
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I think you will have to wait a couple weeks and then take some closer pics, in good light, of the chicks you're unsure of... side view showing feet & legs, and good pics of the head and combs. Post the pics here and people can help you figure it out!!

by the way, our Black Australorp hen is our favorite. They are great birds!
Well the 2 that they said were black australorp are my favorite. When I go feed them in the morning they fly up to my hand and sit, they are the friendliest birds!
Here I just went out and took a couple of more pictures of them.




P.S. I went on photobucket to ruduce the size of the picture but they still come up BIG!
I can't tell, but the red one could be a roo. He's got his comb starting already.
Just a bit of advice. Watch that cord from the heater. I had a friend who's whole coop went up in flames when they pecked the cord from a heater. That needs to be out of reach. Maybe it is, but from the first pic. it didn't look it.

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