HELP! Ayam Cemani x Chinese Silkie hen went broody and raised chicks, but won't go broody again?


In the Brooder
Jan 2, 2023
My Coop
My Coop
Good day folks,
I am Biko from the Philippines. I just want to ask for advices and tips on how to encourage again my hen to become broody. To give you guys a background, her name is Ulikbars, an Ayam Cemani x Chinese silkie hen. I bought her for about 8 dollars, she is 1 year old at that time (august 2022). After few weeks with my care, she mated with my White leghorn x Philippine native chicken, then started laying eggs the third week of august then became broody the second week of September 2022. I let her sit 13 eggs and ultimately, being a first time mother, she hatched 12/13 eggs. Pretty magnificent and it proves that she is a good mother.
After a month of being with her chicks, I sold the chicks and broke her broodiness by a cold bath and being caged alone (October 2022). Then the second week of November 2022, she started laying again eggs. I hoped that she will go broody again because when her eggs began to be multiple, she sits on them at night (for longer than a week, but never becomes committed anyways) but comes down when it is day time. That is the mistake that I have done, because right when I decided to cook the older eggs in the nest, I saw an embryo when I broke the egg. I have been advised that the incubated might have been started prematurely because of my hen sitting at them at night, which then I broke that habit of hers by picking her up when night comes and placing her to a roost. Right now (January 2023), she is still laying eggs but she is not being broody even though if I sum up all the wasted eggs and eggs that I have ate, it is near 50+ pieces right now. On her nest right now, there are 12 eggs. I wonder is the Nov-December chilled breeze affected her broodiness schedule? Will she ever get broody again (I am missing her angry look haha)? Are there anyways to induce broodiness because I know for a fact that when she became broody, she hatched almost all eggs? Any suggestions guys?
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You just have to wait for her hormones to change again. Not really anything you can do. He might go broody when spring comes
Thank you for your reply, I was thinking of reintroducing dried chillies again on her feeds. Seriously, that is one of the factors that I have thought. I have stopped giving her dried chillies because it became expensive here in the philippines. I thought that maybe, those chillies increased her temperature, making her encourage to become broody.
It really is up to the chicken Gods. I have kept chickens for years in SD, USA. And over time I have noticed, I seldom get a broody before late May, early June, and can get them up till October. I get slightly better luck if I let eggs pile up, or even pile up some fake eggs, but only slightly better.

So I think Day light length has something to do with it. Last year I really tried to create a broody by locking a hen into a nest that previously went broody I had read that would work. After a week I gave up. 4 weeks later - she went broody herself.

Mrs K
It really is up to the chicken Gods. I have kept chickens for years in SD, USA. And over time I have noticed, I seldom get a broody before late May, early June, and can get them up till October. I get slightly better luck if I let eggs pile up, or even pile up some fake eggs, but only slightly better.

So I think Day light length has something to do with it. Last year I really tried to create a broody by locking a hen into a nest that previously went broody I had read that would work. After a week I gave up. 4 weeks later - she went broody herself.

Mrs K
haha, I tried locking her up to to the nest for a whole day. Right when I remove the locks, she is still in her normal routine, she jumped down and ate her feeds like nothing happened. I should not be disappointed that she is not going broody even though she is laying now for almost 50+ (from November 2022-January 2023) and she is healthy. Though, I'm a bit sad because I had to discard all those prematurely incubated eggs that were only incubated at night time (it will become rotten, or worst, will explode soon because we considered those as bad eggs).

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